Summary of Risks relating to Forex CFDs issued by Interactive Brokers Securities Japan, Inc.


This summary highlights the principal risks associated with trading Forex CFDs issued by IBSJ (“IB FXCFDs"). It is not a risk disclosure for regulatory purposes.

  • Trading of IB FXCFDs is not suitable for all investors, and you should not trade them unless you are an experienced investor with a high risk tolerance and the capability to sustain losses if they occur
  • The volatility of foreign exchange rates and interest rates may quickly cause significant losses. Forex CFDs employ leverage that further amplifies the volatility relative to your investment and you may lose more than you have invested. In addition, IB FXCFD roll over interest may turn from a credit to a debit due to changes in interest rates
  • You are required to maintain sufficient equity in your account at all times to cover IBSJs maintenance margin requirement. There are no grace-periods and IBSJ does not issue margin calls. Your equity is calculated in real time and should it become insufficient, IBSJ will immediately and automatically liquidate positions to bring your account into margin compliance. Real time liquidations aim to minimize the risk that your account equity becomes negative, but they cannot eliminate that risk. Should your equity become negative you are required to deposit additional funds to cover the deficit
  • The price IBSJ displays to you for IB FXCFDs is based on the prevailing foreign exchange market. However there is no guarantee for executions at that price. Slippage may occur for large trades or in fast moving markets and during heavily traded hours
  • Moreover, your ability to establish or close positions on a timely basis is not guaranteed. It may become difficult to display quotes during major holidays or during hours when foreign exchange trading is not active. IBSJ may display prices that deviate from a fair market due to system-malfunctions or failures, or erroneous quotes that IBSJ may receive from market participants or for other reasons (off-market prices). IBSJ will adjust or cancel trades executed with off-market prices
  • IB FXCFDs are over-the-counter trades between you and IBSJ. They are not traded on any exchange or cleared by any central counterparty. You are therefore exposed to counterparty risk and should IBSJ become insolvent you may not be able to fully recoup your investment, or at all

Please contact IBSJs Client Service Department should you have questions about the content of this summary and read the full risk disclosure carefully before commencing trading. The risk disclosure is available in Account Management when you request IB FXCFD trading permissions, and on IBSJs web site.

IB Forex CFD - 詳細およびQ&A

IBのForex CFDでは、弊社のSpot FXと同様の85通貨ペアをご利用いただくことができ、低額の手数料および証拠金率も同じです。比較として、Forex CFDは以下の詳細のように、非常に競争性のある取引型の金融商品です。






ルールには以下が含まれます: 1) CFDのポジションを建てるにあたってレバレッジの上限; 2) 口座ごとの証拠金解約; および 3) マイナス残高に対する口座ごとの保護。ESMAによる決定はリテールクライアントのみに適用されます。


詳細はIBKRにおけるESMA CFDルールの実施をご参照ください。


IBKR Forex CFDの特徴

透明性の高いDMSクオート:弊社ではグローバルインターバンク市場のマーケットシェア70%を占める14の世界最大級の為替ディーラーによるレート表示により、最小の変動スプレッドと高い流動性を確保しています。*これが0.1PIPまで表示した価格クオートを可能にしています。IBではクオートのマークアップはせず、 低額の約定手数料とその他の諸費用を直接お客様にパススルーしております。

*出典: Euromoney FX survey FX Poll 2016。

持ち越し金利: Forex CFDは関連通貨ペアのベンチマーク金利の差異を反映しながら、ロールオーバーされます。これは基本的には他のブローカーの利用するTOM Next rollsに似ていますが、 ベンチマーク・レートはスワップ・レートに比べて変動が少ないため、安定性がより高くなります。さらにIBでは主要通貨ペアには1.0%から始まる、低いスプレッドを適用しており、これはバランスが大きい場合には0.5%まで下がります。変動率の高いペアには高いスプレッドが適用されます。
IB Forex CFDの持ち越し金利は通貨ペアごとのベンチマークおよびスプレッドに基づきます。 このベンチマークは2通貨に対する弊社のベンチマークの差異になっており、+ BM基準通貨 – BMクオート通貨として計算されます。


英ポンド・米ドルBM +0.48% - 0.37% = +0.113%

適用される顧客レートは、ロング・ポジションに対しペアBM – IBスプレッド、 ショート・ポジションに対しBM + スプレッドとなり:

GBP.USD ロング・レート +0.113% - 1.00% = -0.887%

GBP.USD ショート・レート +0.113% + 1.00% = +1.113%


金利はクオート通貨で表示された取引価値に対して計算され、この通貨で受取りまたは支払いがされます。 具体例


  ポジション GBP.USD クローズ 米ドル価値 レート USD
GBP.USD -20,000 1.43232 -28,646.40 1.113% -0.89

Forex CFDのバランスに対する金利は各取引ごと別々に計算され、Spot FXを含めるその他の通貨エクスポージャーと組み合わせる、または 足し引きされるものではありません。IBでは直接スワップ・レートを参照することはありませんが、事業年度末などスワップ・レートが大きく変動する時期などの例外的なマーケット状況においては、スプレッドを上げる権利を 有します。

金利表の詳細は こちらをご覧ください。
取引: IB Forex CFDはSpot FXと同様に取引され、同じ注文タイプとアルゴリズムから20以上のものが利用可能です。IB Forex CFDの取引はクラシックTWSまたはIB FX Traderより可能です。クラシックTWSまたはFX Trader内で取引をご希望のコントラクトを見つけるには、通貨ぺア(EUR.USDなど)を入力し、コントラクト選択のポップアップから有価証券タイプ(Sec Type)CFDを選択してください。
証拠金: IB Forex CFDの証拠金は、各取引の通貨ペアごとに設定され、
Spot FXを含め、口座内その他の為替バランスは考慮に入れません。主要な通貨ぺアに対する証拠金は取引価値の2.5%から始まります。取引ペアの詳細はこちらよりご覧ください。リテールクライアントは通貨ペアによって最低3.33%または5%の委託証拠金の対象となります。詳細はIBKRにおけるESMA CFDルールの実施をご参照ください。
手数料: 弊社では低額の約定手数料とその他の諸費用を直接お客様にパススルーしております。
独自のクオートを作り手数料を請求するといった通常のFXブローカーの料金体系を採用せず、価格体系の透明性を上げるためにこのような料金体系となっています。手数料は月次の取引価値を基に段階分けされ、0.20から0.08のベーシスポイントになっています。Forex CFDおよびSpot FXからの取引量の両方を基に段階分けがされます。
取引許可:Forex CFDsの取引には、アカウント・マネジメントよりForex CFD用の取引許可を設定する必要があります。適合性基準はレバレッジを効かせたFXのものと同じです。  Forex CFDは他のCFD同様にIB UKの取り扱いとなっており、このためIB LLC口座をお持ちの場合には、 IB UKセグメントを開設するように促されます。IB UKのセグメントはお客様の当座預金口座番号の末尾に「F」を追加します。  



EUR.CHF CFDを10ロット(200000)$1.16195で総額CHF 232,390分購入し、5日間保有します。

EUR.CHF Forex CFD – 新規ポジション
参照原資産価格 1.16188 - 1.16195
CFD参照価格 1.16188 - 1.16195
アクション 買い
数量 200,000
取引価値 CHF 232,390.00
証拠金(3% x 232,390) AUD 9,100


金利額(CHF 232,390に対して5日間)
ティア I(ペアBM 0.42% - IBスプレッド1%) CHF 232,390.00 -0.58% (CHF 18.72)


  収益シナリオ 損失シナリオ
参照原資産価格 1.16840 - 1.16848 1.15539 - 1.15546
CFD参照価格 1.16840 - 1.16848 1.15539 - 1.15546
アクション 売り 売り
数量 200,000 200,000
取引価値 CHF 233,680.00 CHF 231,078.00
取引損益 CHF 1,290.00 (CHF 1,312.00)
金利 (CHF 18.72) (CHF 18.72)
エントリー手数料0.002% (CHF 4.65) (CHF 4.65)
エントリー手数料0.002% (CHF 4.67) (CHF 4.62)
損益合計 CHF 1,261.96 (CHF 1,339.99)





誰でもIB Forex CFDの取引はできますか?

米国、カナダおよび香港以外の国の居住者はIB CFD取引が可能です。居住地に基づいて設定される例外で、特定の投資家タイプに適用されるものはありません。


IB Forex CFDとIB Cash Forexの違いは何ですか?

IB Cash Forexは、ペアを構成する2通貨の受渡を取るレバレッジのかかったキャッシュ取引です。Forex取引に関連するバランスはお客様のその他のアクティビティから発生するバランスと組み合わされ、お客様には統合されたバランスに対し、各通貨のベンチマーク・レートに基づいて計算された金利をお支払またはお受け取りいただきます。

これに対し、IB Forex CFDにはエクスポージャーはありますが原資産通貨の引渡しはないため、お客様には取引の想定元本に対しての金利をお支払またはお受け取りいただきます。取引に対するベンチマークは2つの原資産通貨に対するベンチマーク・レートの差異です。これは基本的には他のブローカーの利用するTOM Next rollsに似ていますが、 ベンチマーク・レートはスワップ・レートに比べて変動が少ないため、安定性がより高くなります。




IB Forex CFD用のマーケットデータはレバレッジFXのものと同じです。 グローバル許可のひとつであり無料でご利用いただけます。



IB LLCの口座をお持ちの場合、 CFDポジションは主要口座番号の末尾に「F」を追加した形で別の口座セグメントに維持されます。アクティビティー・ステートメント上のFセグメントは、別途またはメイン口座と合わせて表示することができます。選択は アカウント・マネジメントのステートメント画面より可能です。


Forex CFDにはSpot FXと同じ注文タイプとアルゴリズムが使えますか?また取引はFX Traderからできますか?



IB株価指数CFD - 詳細およびQ&A


IBKRの株式CFDに関する情報はこちらを、またForex CFDに関する情報はこちらをクリックしてください。





ルールには以下が含まれます: 1) CFDのポジションを建てるにあたってのレバレッジの上限、2) 口座ごとの証拠金解約、および 3) マイナス残高に対する口座ごとの保護。








IBKR株価指数CFD   手数料  
銘柄 IBシンボル 取引当たり 最低値注文あたり 通貨 乗数*
US 500 IBUS500 0.005% 1.00 USD 1
US 30 IBUS30 0.005% 1.00 USD 1
US Tech 100 IBUST100 0.010% 1.00 USD 1
UK 100 IBGB100 0.005% 1.00 GBP 1
EURO 50 IBEU50 0.010% 1.00 EUR 1
GERMANY 40 IBDE40 0.005% 1.00 EUR 1
FRANCE 40 IBFR40 0.010% 1.00 EUR 1
SPAIN 35 IBES35 0.010% 1.00 EUR 1
NETHERLANDS 25 IBNL25 0.010% 1.00 EUR 1
SWITZERLAND 20 IBCH20 0.010% 1.00 CHF 1
JAPAN 225 IBJP225 0.010% 40.00 JPY 1
HONG KONG 50 IBHK50 0.010% 10.00 HKD 1
AUSTRALIA 200 IBAU200 0.010% 1.00 AUD 1



29-Jan-15 IBDE 30         DAX Mar'15    
時間 ビッド  アスク スプレッド 変化   ビッド  アスク スプレッド 変化
10:10:04 10706.69 10707.19 0.5     10710.00 10710.50 0.5  
10:10:11 10704.19 10705.19 1 -2.5   10707.50 10708.50 1 -2.5
10:10:19 10709.19 10709.69 0.5 5.0   10712.50 10713.00 0.5 5.0
10:10:27 10710.19 10710.69 0.5 1   10713.50 10714.00 0.5 1
10:10:33 10709.69 10710.69 1 -0.5   10713 10714 1 -0.5

IBKR株価指数CFD価格の設定: IBKR株価指数CFDは、適正価格に調整された関連先物を追います。合成インデックスのレベルはキャッシュ・インデックスに非常に近いですが、以下の理由により若干異なります。



キャッシュ・インデックスの価値 + 金利 - 配当金 = 適正価格の先物


先物の実際の価格 - 金利 + 配当金 = IBKR株価指数CFDの価値




低額な手数料と借入金利: 他の株価指数CFDの提供業者と違い、IBKRでは関連する先物のスプレッドは広げずに、透明性の高い約定手数料を提示しております。指数によりますが、かかる手数料は0.005% - 0.01%になっています。オーバーナイトの借入金利はベンチマークの± 1.5%となっています。

透明性の高いクオート: IBKRではスプレッドを広げないため、株価指数CFDのクオートは正確に関連先物のスプレッドおよび価格変動を反映し、再クオートもありません。目に見えるクオートが実際に取引を行う際のクオートとなります。
主要マーケットへのフレキシブルなエクスポージャー: IBKR株価指数CFDは主要な米国、ヨーロッパおよびアジア太平洋指数にてご利用可能です。株価指数CFDは、関連先物のほんの少量である、最大1xインデックス・レベルで取引が行われます。また関連先物とは異なり、ロールオーバーの必要がありません。すべてのヨーロッパおよび米国のIBKR株価指数CFDは、中央ヨーロッパ標準時、09:00より22:00の間で取引可能です。
証拠金の効率: IBKR株価指数CFDにはボリューム(最低5%)に応じ、関連先物と同等の低い証拠金比率が設定されています。リテールクライアントは、指数によって最低5%または10%の委託証拠金の対象となります。詳細およびその他の例はIBKRにおけるESMA CFDルールの実施をご参照ください。

IBKRシンボル 流動的取引時間 実取引時間* 時間帯
IBUS500 09:30 - 16:00 03:00 - 16:00 米国東部標準時
IBUS30 09:30 - 16:00 03:00 - 16:00 米国東部標準時
IBUST100 09:30 - 16:00 03:00 - 16:00 米国東部標準時
IBGB100 08:00 - 16:30 08:00 - 21:00 グリニッジ標準時
IBEU50 09:00 - 22:00 09:00 - 22:00 中央ヨーロッパ標準時
IBDE40 09:00 - 22:00 09:00 - 22:00 中央ヨーロッパ標準時
IBFR40 09:00 - 18:15 09:00 - 22:00 中央ヨーロッパ標準時
IBES35 09:00 - 17:35 09:00 - 20:00 中央ヨーロッパ標準時
IBNL25 09:00 - 17:30 09:00 - 22:00 中央ヨーロッパ標準時
IBCH20 09:00 - 17:27 09:00 - 22:00 中央ヨーロッパ標準時
IBJP225 09:00 - 15:00 09:00 - 15:00 日本標準時
IBHK50 09:30 - 16:00 09:30 - 16:00 香港時間
IBAU200 10:00 - 16:00 10:00 - 16:00 米国東部夏時間



配当金の調整:それぞれの指数の構成要素に対し、普通配当金に基づきます。 配当金は権利落ち日に計上され、T + 2で決済されます。
コーポレートアクションの調整: CFDにはありません。コーポレートアクションは指数レベルに反映されます
マーケットデータ許可: 株価指数CFD用のマーケットデータは無料ですが、システム上の問題により許可が必要となります




IBUS30 CFD10枚を$23,534.48で総額USD 235,344.80分購入し、5日間保有します。

IBUS30株価指数CFD – 新規ポジション
参照原資産価格 23,465 - 23,466
CFD参照価格 23,533.48 - 23,534.48
アクション 買い
数量 10
取引価値 USD 235,344.80
証拠金(変動、最低5%) USD 15,393.00


金利額(変動) (USD 235,344.80に対して5日間)
固定金利(BM + 1.5%) USD 235,344.80 2.684% (USD 87.73)


  収益シナリオ 損失シナリオ
参照原資産価格 23,627 - 23,628 23,303 - 23,304
CFD参照価格 23,693.34 - 23,694.34 23,369.34 - 23,370.34
アクション 売り 売り
数量 10 10
取引価値 USD 236,933.40 USD 233,693.40
取引損益 USD 1,588.60 (USD 1,651.40)
金利 (USD 87.73) (USD 87.73)
エントリー手数料0.005% (USD 11.77) (USD 11.77)
エグジット手数料0.005% (USD 11.85) (USD 11.68)
損益合計   USD 1,477.25 (USD 1,762.58)





















キャッシュ・インデックスの価値 + 金利 - 配当金 = 適正価格の先物


先物の実際の価格 - 金利 + 配当金 = IBKR株価指数CFDの価値




証拠金は日中の低レートを含み、取引数量によって調整された関連する先物に対する証拠金と同じです。詳細はCFD必要証拠金をご参照ください。リテールクライアントは指数によって最低5%または10%の委託証拠金の対象となります。詳細はIBKRにおけるESMA CFDルールの実施をご参照ください。




は必要ありませんが、原資産の先物が通常、価格指数に基づいているため、株価指数CFDは配当金に対して調整されます。現在利用可能のIBKR株式指数CFDで唯一の例外は、リターン指数の合計に基づくGermany 40(IBDE40)です。


IBKR CFDsの取引は誰れもできますか?

米国、カナダ、香港、ニュージーランドおよびイスラエル以外の国にお住まいのお客様は、IBKR CFDの取引ができます。居住地に基づいて設定される例外で、特定の投資家タイプに適用されるものはありません。

IBKR CFDの取引はどのように始めればよいのでしょうか?

クライアント・ポータルより、CFD用の取引許可を設定し、該当する取引開示に合意してください。IBKR(UK)、またはIBKR LLCの口座をお持ちの場合、IBKRが新規の口座セグメントを設定します(お客様のすでにお持ちの口座番号の末尾に「F」を追加します)。設定が承認され次第、お取引が可能になります。F口座に別途、資金をご入金いただく必要はありません。資金はCFDの必要証拠金に合わせてお客様のメイン口座より自動的に移動されます。  



IBKR株価指数CFD用のマーケットデータは無料ですが、システム上、購読が必要となります。これはグローバルな許可(FX同様)となり、購読は一回必要となるだけです。購読にはクライアント・ポータにログインし、ユーザーメニュー(右上にある人型のアイコン)をクリックしてから、口座管理を選択してください。取引プラットフォームから、マーケットデータの横にある設定(ギア)のアイコンを選択して下さい。現在のGFIS購読の横にある設定(ギア)アイコンをクリックすると、その他のサービスも確認することができます。または、TWSクオートモニター上に株価指数CFDを設定し、クオートラインに表示される「Market Data Subscription Manager」ボタンをクリックしてください。


IBKR(U.K.)またはIBKR LLCの口座をお持ちの場合には、 CFDポジションは主要口座番号の末尾に「F」を追加した形で、別の口座セグメントに維持されます。アクティビティー・ステートメント上のFセグメントは、別途またはメイン口座と合わせて表示することができます。選択はクライアント・ポータルのステートメント画面より可能です。














IB株価指数CFDに関する情報はこちらをクリックしてください。Forex CFDに関する情報はこちらをクリックしてください。


I.   CFDの定義
II.   CFDと原資産株式の比較
III. 費用および証拠金に関する留意点
IV. 例
V.   CFDのリソース
VI. よくあるご質問








ルールには以下が含まれます: 1) CFDのポジションを建てるにあたってレバレッジの上限; 2) 口座ごとの証拠金解約; および 3) マイナス残高に対する口座ごとの保護。


詳細はIBKRにおけるESMA CFDルールの実施をご参照ください。

I. 株式CFDの定義

IB CFDは配当およびコーポレートアクション(CFDコーポレートアクションに関する詳細)を含む、原資産株式のリターンを生むOTC取引です。


IB株式CFD取引は証拠金口座を通して行われるため、ロングおよびショートのレバレッジ・ポジションを建てることができます。CFD価格は原資産株式の取引所クオート価格になります。実際にIB CFDクオートは、トレーダー・ワークステーションで見ることのできる株式用のスマートルーティング・クオートと同じであり、IBではダイレクト・マーケット・アクセス(DMA)をご提供しております。株式同様に、成行とならない(指値の)注文の原資産ヘッジは、取引されている取引所の 板画面に直接表示されています。 これはまたCFDを原資産のビッド価格で購入しオファー価格で売る注文の発注ができるということになります。


IBでは現在、米国、ヨーロッパおよびアジアの主なマーケットをカバーする約6500の株式CFDご提供しております。 下記にリストされている主要指数の構成銘柄は、現在IB株式CFDとしてご利用可能です。IBではまた多くの国で流動小型株の取引もご提供しております。これは最低5億米ドルの時価総額の浮動株を持ち、また平均最低60万米ドルに値する日次の取引を行う株式です。  詳細はCFD商品リストをご覧ください。ご利用可能国は近い将来、さらに追加される予定です。

米国 S&P 500, DJA, Nasdaq 100, S&P 400(中型株), 流動小型株
イギリス FTSE 350 + 流動小型株 (IOBを含む)
ドイツ Dax, MDax, TecDax + 流動小型株
スイス Swiss portion of STOXX Europe 600 (48 shares) + 流動小型株
フランス CAC Large Cap, CAC 中型株 + 流動小型株
オランダ AEX, AMS 中型株 + 流動小型株
ベルギー BEL 20, BEL 中型株 + 流動小型株
スペイン IBEX 35 + 流動小型株
ポルトガル PSI 20
スウェーデン OMX Stockholm 30 + 流動小型株
フィンランド OMX Helsinki 25 + 流動小型株
デンマーク OMX Copenhagen 30 + 流動小型株
ノルウェー OBX
チェコ PX
日本 Nikkei 225 + 流動小型株
香港 HSI + 流動小型株
オーストラリア ASX 200 + 流動小型株
シンガポール* STI + 流動小型株
南アフリカ トップ40 + 流動小型株


II.  CFDと原資産株式の比較

IB CFDのメリット IB CFDのデメリット
印紙税や金融取引税はありません(英国、フランス、ベルギー) 所有権がありません
株式に比べ手数料や証拠金が一般的に低めです 複雑なコーポレトアクションがいつでも反映されるわけではありません
配当金は租税条約レートの対象となり、請求の必要がありません 収益に対する税金は株式への税金と異なる場合があります(専門の税理士にご相談ください)

III. 費用および証拠金に関する留意点

IB CFDは、IB提供のすでに競争性のある株式と比較しても効率的なヨーロッパ株式の取引方法です。

先ず、IB CFDにかかる手数料は株式と比べて低額ですがスプレッドは同じです:

ヨーロッパ   CFD 株式
手数料 GBP 0.05% GBP 6.00 + 0.05%*
EUR 0.05% 0.10%
金利** ベンチマーク +/- 1.50% 1.50%

*注文につき+ 50,000英ポンドを超える場合は0.05%の超過金

CFDの手数料は取引が増えるほど低額になり、0.02%まで下がります。借入金利はポジションが大きいほど減少し、0.5%まで下がります。 詳細はCFD手数料およびCFD借入金利をご覧ください。

次に、CFDの必要証拠金は株式と比べて低額です。リテールクライアントは欧州証券市場監督局ESMAによる追加の必要証拠金の対象となります。詳細はIBKRにおけるESMA CFDルールの実施をご参照ください。

  CFD 株式
  すべて 標準 ポートフォリオ・マージン


25% - 50% 15%

*ブルーチップ用に一般的な証拠金です。リテールクライアントは最低20%の委託証拠金の対象となります。株式には標準的な25%の日中維持証拠金、オーバーナイトは50%。 表示されているポートフォリオ・マージンは維持証拠金です(オーバーナイトを含み)。ボラティリティの高い場合には必要証拠金額も上がります


IV. 例(プロフェッショナル・クライアント)

例を見てみましょう。Unilever’s Amsterdamリストからの過去一ヶ月(2012年5月14から20取引日)のリターンは3.2%となり、今後のパフォーマンスも良好に見えます。200,000ユーロのエクスポージャーを建て、5日保有したいとします。取引を10回行って蓄積した後、さらに10回行って相殺します。かかる直接の費用は以下のようになります:


  CFD 株式
200,000ユーロのポジション   標準 ポートフォリオ・マージン
必要証拠金 20,000 100,000 30,000
手数料(往復) 200.00 400.00 400.00
金利(簡略化されたもの) 1.50% 1.50% 1.50%
提供される資金額 200,000 100,000 170,000
提供を受ける日数  5 5 5
支払利息(1.5% 簡略化されたもの) 41.67 20.83 35.42
直接費用合計(手数料 + 金利) 241.67 420.83 435.42
原価差異   74%上がる 80%上がる



今度は証拠金資金として20,000ユーロのみ持ち合わせがあると考えてみます。 Unileverが前月と同じようなパフォーマンスを継続すると考えると、そこから期待される利益は以下のようになります:  

レバレッジ利益 CFD 株式
利用可能な証拠金 20,000 20,000 20,000
合計投資額 200,000 40,000 133,333
総利益(5日) 1,600 320 1,066.66
手数料 200.00 80.00 266.67
支払利息(1.5% 簡略化されたもの) 41.67 4.17 23.61
直接費用合計(手数料 + 金利) 241.67 84.17 290.28
純利益(総利益-直接費用) 1,358.33 235.83 776.39
証拠金投資額に対するリターン 0.07 0.01 0.04
差異   利益が83%下がる 利益が43%下がる


レバレッジリスク CFD 株式
利用可能な証拠金 20,000 20,000 20,000
合計投資額 200,000 40,000 133,333
総利益(5日) -1,600 -320 -1,066.66
手数料 200.00 80.00 266.67
支払利息(1.5% 簡略化されたもの) 41.67 4.17 23.61
直接費用合計(手数料 + 金利) 241.67 84.17 290.28
純利益(総利益-直接費用) -1,841.67 -404.17 -1,356.94
差異   損失が78%下がる 損失が26%下がる


V.   CFDのリソース











VI. よくあるご質問


米国、西ヨーロッパ、北欧および日本における大型および中型株です。 流動小型株の取り扱いのあるマーケットも多くあります。詳細はCFD商品リストをご覧ください。ご利用可能国は近い将来、さらに追加される予定です。



はい。詳細およびQ&AはIB株価指数CFD - 詳細およびQ&A and Forex CFD - 詳細およびQ&Aをご覧ください。



IB CFDのクオートは原資産株式に対するスマートルーティング・クオートと同じです。 IBではスプレッドを広げる、またはお客様に対抗するポジションを建てることはありません。 詳細はCFDマーケットモデルの概要をご覧ください。



はい。IBではダイレクト・マーケット・アクセス(DMS)を提供しており、成行とならない(指値の)注文の原資産ヘッジは取引されている取引所の 板画面に直接表示されています。これはまたCFDを原資産のビッド価格で購入しオファー価格で売る注文の発注ができるということになります。また一般の市場よりも良い価格の注文が他のクライアントから出てきた場合、価格向上につながることもあります。



IBでは各原資産の過去のボラティリティに基づき、 リスク・ベースで証拠金を採用しています。最小証拠金は10%です。 IB CFDの証拠金はほとんどこのレートで設定されており、これによりCFDは多くの場合、原資産株式の取引に比べて効果的ですが、 リテールクライアントは欧州証券市場監督局ESMAによる追加の必要証拠金の
対象となります。 詳細はIBKRにおけるESMA CFDルールの実施をご参照ください。ポートフォリオ内の各CFDポジション間または個別のCFDポジションと原資産株式のエクスポージャー間のオフセットはありません。集中しているポジションや大型のポジションは追加の証拠金の対象の対象になる可能性があります。詳細はCFD必要証拠金をご参照ください。









誰でもIB CFDの取引はできますか?

米国、カナダおよび香港以外の国の居住者はIB CFD取引が可能です。シンガポール居住者は、シンガポールに上場されている株式をベースとする以外のIB CFDをお取引いただけます。居住地に基づいて設定される例外で、特定の投資家タイプに適用されるものはありません。


IB CFDの取引はどのように始めればよいのでしょうか?

アカウント・マネジメントよりCFD用の取引許可を設定し、該当する取引開示に合意してください。 IB LLCの口座をお持ちの場合、この後、弊社が新規の口座セグメントを設定します(お客様のすでにお持ちの口座番号の末尾に「F」を追加します)。設定が承認され次第、お取引が可能になります。F口座に別途、資金をご入金いただく必要はありません。資金はCFDの必要証拠金に合わせてお客様のメイン口座より自動的に移動されます。  


IB株式CFD用のマーケットデータは、その原資産株式用のマーケットデータになります。 このため関連取引所に対するマーケットデータ許可が必要となります。株式取引に対し取引所のマーケットデータ許可をすでに設定されている場合には、それ以上必要なものはありません。現在マーケットデータ許可の持ち合わせがない取引所におけるCFD取引をご希望の場合には、原資産株式の取引に対する許可と同じ方法で許可を設定することができます。



B LLCの口座をお持ちの場合、 CFDポジションは主要口座番号の末尾に「F」を追加した形で別の口座セグメントに維持されます。アクティビティー・ステートメント上のFセグメントは、別途またはメイン口座と合わせて表示することができます。選択はアカウント・マネジメントのステートメント画面より可能です。その他の口座に関しては、通常の口座ステートメントと同じようにCFDもその他の取引商品と共に表示されます。








CFDはIB UKを取引先とする取引であり、取引所による取引や中央決済機関による決済はありません。IB UKをCFD取引の取引先とするため、クレジットリスクを含める、IB UKとの取引に関連する取引やビジネス上のリスクの対象となります。しかしながら、すべてのお客様の資金は法人クライアントも含め、完全に分離されています。IB UKは英国金融サービス補償計画(UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme「FSCS」)に参加しています。IB UKは、米国証券投資者保護公祉(「SIPC」)のメンバーではありません。CFD取引に関連するリスクの詳細はIB UK CFDリスク・ディスクロージャーをご参照ください。
















欧州証券市場監督局(ESMA)は、2018年8月1日より有効となる一時的な介入策(ESMA Decision)をて発行しました。

これによる規制には以下が含まれます: 1) CFDのポジションを建てるにあたってレバレッジの上限; 2) 口座ごとの証拠金解約; 3) マイナス残高に対する口座ごとの保護; 4) CFD取引へのインセンティブに対する規制; および 5) 標準的なリスク警告。

ESMAによる決定はリテールクライアントのみに適用されます。 特定投資家のお客様への影響はありません。





IB Forex CFDs - Facts and Q&A

The following article is intended to provide a general introduction to forex-based Contracts for Differences (CFDs) issued by IBKR.
IBKR Forex CFDs are available for the same 85 tradable currency pairs IBKR offers as Spot FX, with identical low commissions and margin rates. By contrast, Forex CFDs feature a contract-style highly competitive financing model detailed below.
For information on IBKR Share CFDs click here. For Index CFDs click here.

Risk Warning
CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.

61% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with IBKR.

You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

ESMA Rules for CFDs (Retail Clients only)

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has enacted new CFD rules effective 1st August 2018.

The rules include: 1) leverage limits on the opening of a CFD position; 2) a margin close out rule on a per account basis; and 3) negative balance protection on a per account basis. The ESMA Decision is only applicable to retail clients.

Professional clients are unaffected.

Please refer to the following articles for more detail:

ESMA CFD Rules Implementation at IBKR (UK) and IBKR LLC

ESMA CFD Rules Implementation at IBIE and IBCE

IBKR Forex CFD Features

Transparent DMA Quotes: IBKR ensures tight spreads and substantial liquidity as a result of combining quotation streams from 14 of the world's largest foreign exchange dealers which constitute more than 70% of market share in the global interbank market*. This results in displayed quotes as small as 0.1 PIP. IBKR does not mark up the quotes, rather passes through the prices that it receives and charges a separate low commission.

*Source: Euromoney FX survey FX Poll 2016.

Carry Interest: Forex CFDs are rolled over reflecting the benchmark interest rate differential of the relevant currency pair. This is in principle similar to the TOM Next rolls used by other brokers, but offers greater stability as benchmark rates generally are less volatile than swap rates. In addition IBKR applies a low financing spread that for major pairs starts at just 1.0% and can be as low as 0.5% for large balances. More volatile pairs have higher financing spreads.
The carry interest for IBKR Forex CFDs is based on a currency-pair specific benchmark and a spread. The benchmark is the difference between the IBKR benchmark rates for the two currencies. It is calculated as + BM Base currency – BM Quote currency.

For example, April 21, 2016 the GBP benchmark rate was 0.483%, the USD rate was 0.37%. The applicable benchmark rate is:

GBP.USD BM +0.48% - 0.37% = +0.113%

The applicable customer rate is Pair BM – IBKR spread for long positions, BM + spread for short positions:

GBP.USD Long Rate +0.113% - 1.00% = -0.887%

GBP.USD Short Rate +0.113% + 1.00% = +1.113%

It is important to note that the long rate is applied as a credit, the short rate as a debit. Consequently for a long position a positive rate means a credit, a negative rate a charge. However for short positions a positive rate means a charge, a negative rate a credit.

Interest is calculated on the contract value expressed in the quote currency, and credited or debited in that currency. For example:

For example:

Daily Interest
  Position GBP.USD Close USD Value Rate USD
GBP.USD -20,000 1.43232 -28,646.40 1.113% -0.89

Interest on Forex CFD balances is calculated on a stand-alone contract basis, and not combined or netted with other currency exposures, including Spot FX. Although IBKR does not directly reference swap rates, IBKR reserves the right to apply higher spreads in exceptional market conditions, such as during spikes in swap rates that can occur around fiscal year-ends.

Detailed interest schedules can be viewed here.
Trading: IBKR Forex CFDs are traded exactly like Spot FX, with the same over 20 available order types and algos. IBKR Forex CFDs can be traded either in classical TWS or in the IBKR FX Trader. To find the contract you want to trade in classical TWS or FX Trader, enter the currency pair (i.e. EUR.USD) and choose Sec Tyoe CFD in the Contract Selection pop-up.
Margin: IBKR Forex CFD margins are determined for each currency pair on a per contract basis without
regard to other Forex balances held in the account, including Spot FX. Margins start as low as 2.5% of contract value for major currency pairs. Details for all currency pairs can be found here. Retail clients are subject to minimum regulatory initial margins of 3.33% or 5% depending on the currency pair. 
Commissions: IBKR passes through the prices that it receives and charges a separate low commission.
We do this in the interest of providing a transparent pricing structure instead of marking up our quotes and charging nothing in commissions as is the practice with many forex brokers. Commissions are tiered based on monthly traded value, and range from 0.20 basis points to 0.08 basis points. Both Forex CFD and spot FX volumes count toward the tiers.
Details are found here.
Trading Permissions: In order to trade Forex CFDs, you must set up the trading permission for Forex CFDs in Client Portal.

If your account is with IBKR (UK) or with IBKR LLC, IBKR will then set up a new account segment (identified with your existing account number plus the suffix “F”). Once the set-up is confirmed you can begin to trade. You do not need to fund the F-account separately, funds will be automatically transferred to meet CFD margin requirements from your main account.  

If your account is with another IBKR entity, only the permission is required; an additional account segment is not necessary. 

Trading Example (Professional Clients)

Opening the position

You purchase 10 lots (200000) EUR.CHF CFDs at $1.16195 for CHF 232,390, which you then hold for 5 days.

EUR.CHF Forex CFDs – New Position
Reference Underlying Price 1.16188 - 1.16195
CFDs Reference Price 1.16188 - 1.16195
Action Buy
Quantity 200,000
Trade Value CHF 232,390.00
Margin (3% x 232,390) AUD 9,100


Interest Charged (on CHF 232,390 over 5 days)
Tier I (Pair BM 0.42% - IB Spread 1%) CHF 232,390.00 -0.58% (CHF 18.72)

Closing the position

Exit CFD Position
  Profit Scenario Loss Scenario
Reference Underlying Price 1.16840 - 1.16848 1.15539 - 1.15546
CFDs Reference Price 1.16840 - 1.16848 1.15539 - 1.15546
Action Sell Sell
Quantity 200,000 200,000
Trade Value CHF 233,680.00 CHF 231,078.00
Trade P&L CHF 1,290.00 (CHF 1,312.00)
Financing (CHF 18.72) (CHF 18.72)
Entry Commission 0.002% (CHF 4.65) (CHF 4.65)
Entry Commission 0.002% (CHF 4.67) (CHF 4.62)
Total P&L CHF 1,261.96 (CHF 1,339.99)

CFD Resources

Below are some useful links with more detailed information on IBKR’s CFD offering:


Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone trade IBKR Forex CFDs?

All clients can trade IBKR CFDs, except residents of the USA, Canada, and Hong Kong. There are no exemptions based on investor type to the residency-based exclusions.

What is the difference between IBKR Forex CFDs and IBKR Cash Forex?

IBKR Cash Forex is a leveraged cash trade where you take delivery of the two currencies making up the pair. Your Forex-trading related balances are combined with your other balances arising out of your other trading activity, and you pay or receive interest on these consolidated balances based on the benchmark rate for each currency.

By contrast IBKR Forex CFDs are a contract which provides exposure but does not deliver the underlying currencies, and you pay or receive interest on the notional value of the contract. The benchmark rate for the contract is the difference between the benchmark rates for the two underlying currencies. This is in principle similar to the TOM Next rolls used by other brokers, but offers greater stability as benchmark rates generally are less volatile than swap rates.

Please see the Carry Interest section above for a detailed example.

Are there any market data requirements?

The market data for IBKR Forex CFDs is the same as for Leverage FX. It is a global permission and free of charge.

How are my CFD trades and positions reflected in my statements?

If you are a client of IBKR (U.K.) or IBKR LLC, your CFD positions are held in a separate account segment identified by your primary account number with the suffix “F”. You can choose to view Activity Statements for the F-segment either separately or consolidated with your main account. You can make the choice in the statement window in Client Portal.

 If you are a client of other IBKR entities, there is no separate segment. You can view your positions normally alongside your non-CFD positions.

Can I trade Forex CFDs with the same order types and algos as Spot FX, and can I trade them in the FX Trader?

Yes, the trading experience is identical.



Notice to Financial and Non-Financial Counterparties trading OTC products (e.g. CFDs) not cleared by Central Counterparties

European regulators, as part of EMIR, issued technical rules concerning Risk Mitigation Techniques for derivatives not cleared by a Central Counterparty (“CCP”), which detail how the regulators expect these products to be margined from 1st March 2017. In general customers trading products subject to these rules are required to exchange variation margin.

Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Ltd. (“IBUK”) provides Contracts for Difference (‘CFDs’) that fall under these rules, and is your counter party to these trades. IBUK wishes to inform you how IBUK provides information regarding variation margin and reconciliation arrangements. This does not represent a material change from our current practice.

Variation Margin – Applicable where you are classified as FC or NFC+

All financial counterparties (‘FC’) and larger non financial counterparties (‘NFC+’) are subject to the EMIR variation margin rules for OTC derivatives. Whether larger non financial counterparties are subject to the rules is determined by reference to whether their 30-day rolling average of the gross notional OTC derivative positions entered into for non-hedging purposes are above specified clearing thresholds (eg EUR1bn for equity derivatives). IBUK ensures variation margin is exchanged with its counterparties with respect to OTC derivative transactions not centrally cleared by CCP.

IBUK provides customers with timely confirmations of trades each day via two secure platforms: by displaying them on our Trader Work Station (“TWS”) and via the Trade Confirmations and Daily Activity Statements in Account Management. The marked-to-market value of your OTC derivative contracts are shown in your Daily Activity statement.

The variation margin rule requires that variation margin is calculated on a daily basis based on the values of all the outstanding derivatives contracts under the IBUK Client Agreement for Products Carried by IBUK (the “Agreement”) on the previous business day.

Where this marked-to-market value of your transactions reflects a credit exposure for IBUK, IBUK collects variation margin equal to the positive mark-to-market value of its OTC derivatives. The variation margin collection is achieved through reduction in the net equity value available, an offset and/or liquidation of positions in the posting account. You may refer to the supplemental information about margin and the Agreement on the IB UK website for further details. Where the marked-to-market value reflects a credit to you, IBUK will reflect this via an increase in your net

Whilst the variation margin rule requires that variation margin is calculated on a daily basis, IBUK further expects that clients monitor their accounts continuously, including intraday, so that at all times the account contains sufficient equity to meet margin requirement as calculated by IBUK.


Activity Statements are provided on a daily, monthly and annual basis. Customers can download this information using a "flex query" tool (which is available in our "account management system) in CSV type format.

You may reconcile the OTC positions detailed on these Trade Confirmations and Activity Statements account against your own records. The regulations state that you should reconcile your positions, contract information, valuation(s) and profits and losses and any related information.

If you note any discrepancies, you can contact IBUK customer service. Contact information for Interactive Brokers customer service is available on the IB website at:

The process for resolving any dispute is discussed in your client agreement with us.

Please note that the rules also require customers of firms that carry portfolios on a gross basis to carry out portfolio compression with the firm but this is not relevant as IBUK maintains your OTC positions on a net basis.

The rules also detail how often particular types of customers need to conduct these

If you are an FC or a an NFC+ the rules require you to conduct portfolio reconciliations at the following frequencies:
• Daily, whenever you have 500 or more open OTC contracts;
• Weekly, if you have between 51 and 499 OTC contracts open at any time during the week;
• Quarterly, if you have 50 or fewer contracts open at any time during the quarter.

If you are a non-financial counter party not meeting the criteria to be an NFC+ (ie “NFC-“) you are required under the rules to carry out portfolio reconciliations at least:
• Quarterly, if you have more than 100 open OTC contracts open at any time in the quarter;
• Annually, if you have 100 or fewer open contracts at any time in the year.

Please note that this communication is not intended to serve as legal advice.

Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited


"EMIR": Reporting to Trade Repository Obligations and Interactive Brokers Delegated Service to help meet your obligations


1. Background: In 2009 the G20 pledged to undertake reforms aimed at increasing transparency and reducing counterparty risk in the OTC derivatives market post the financial crisis of 2008. The European market infrastructure regulation (“EMIR”) implements most of these pledges in the EU. EMIR is a EU regulation and entered into force on 16 August 2012.
2. Financial instruments and asset classes reportable under EMIR: OTC and Exchange Traded derivatives for the following asset classes: credit, interest, equity, commodity and foreign exchange derivatives Reporting obligation does not apply to exchange traded warrants.
3. Who do EMIR reporting obligations apply to: Reporting obligations normally apply to all counterparties established in the EU with the exception of natural persons. They apply to:
* Financial Counterparties (“FC”)
* Non-financial counterparties above the clearing threshold (“NFC+”)
* Non-financial counterparties below the clearing threshold (“NFC-“)
* Third country Entities outside the EU (“TCE”) in some limited circumstances
The reporting obligations essentially apply to any entity established in the EU that has entered into a derivatives contract.
4. Financial counterparties (“FC”): include banks, investment firms, credit institutions, insurers, UCITS and pension schemes and Alternative Investment Fund managed by an AIFM. The Alternative Investment Fund (“AIF”) will only become an FC if the manager of that AIF is authorised under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (“AIFMD”), so a fund outside the EU may be subject to EMIR reporting requirements.
5. Non-Financial Counterparty (“NFC”): A NFC is defined as an undertaking established in the EU other than those defined as a FC or a Central Counterparty (“CCP”), like the Clearing Houses. NFCs have lesser obligations than FCs. But when an NFC breaches a “clearing threshold” it becomes an NFC+, when it is subject to almost the same obligations as FCs (including collateral and valuation reporting). NFCs below the clearing threshold are known as NFC-s. In practice anyone other than a natural individual person (i.e. an individual or individuals operating a joint
account) is defined as an NFC- and subject to reporting obligations.
6. What service will Interactive Brokers offer to its customers to facilitate them fulfill their reporting obligations i.e. will it offer a delegated service for trade reporting as well as facilitating issuance of LEI: As noted above, both FCs and NFCs must report details of their transactions (both OTC and ETD) to authorized Trade Repositories. This obligation can be discharged directly through a Trade Repository, or by delegating the operational aspects of reporting to the counterparty or a third party (who submits reports on their behalf).
Interactive Brokers intends to facilitate the issuance of LEIs and offer delegated reporting to customers for whom it executes and clear trades, subject to customer consent, to the extent it is possible to do so from an operational, legal and regulatory perspective.
If you are subject to EMIR Reporting you will shortly be able to log into the IB Account Management system and apply for an LEI and delegate your reporting to Interactive Brokers.
We intend to include valuation reporting but only if and to the extent and for so long as it is permissible for Interactive brokers to do so from a legal and regulatory perspective and where the counterparty is required to do so (i.e. in cases where it is a FC or NFC+).
However, this would be subject to condition that Interactive Brokers uses its own trade valuation for reporting purposes.
7. Can EMIR reporting be delegated: EMIR allows either counterparty to delegate reporting to a third-party. If a counterparty or CCP delegates reporting to a third party, it remains ultimately responsible for complying with the reporting obligation. Likewise, the counterparty or CCP must ensure that the third party to whom it has delegated reports correctly. Brokers and dealers do not have a reporting obligation when acting purely in an agency capacity. If a block trade gives rise to multiple transactions, each transaction would have to be reported.
FUNDS AND SUB-FUNDS - The obligations under EMIR are on the counterparty which may be the fund or sub-fund. The fund or sub-fund that is the principal to transactions will have to provide details of their classification (FC, NFC+ or NFC-), authorization for delegated reporting and Legal Entity Identifier (“LEI”) application.
8. Exemptions under Article 1(4) and 1(5) of EMIR: Articles 1(4) and 1(5) of EMIR exempt certain entities from some or all of the obligations set out in EMIR, depending on their classification. Specifically, exempt entities under Article 1(4) are exempt from all obligations set out in EMIR, while exempt entities under Article 1(5) are exempt from all obligations except the reporting obligation, which continues to apply.
9. Entities qualifying under Article 1(4) and 1(5) of EMIR: Article 1(4) initially applied only to EU central banks, Union public bodies involved in the management of public debt and the Bank for International Settlements. Subsequently the
application of the Article 1(4) exemption was extended to include the central banks and debt management offices of the United States and Japan. The Commission has indicated that further foreign central banks and debt management offices may be added in the future if they are satisfied that equivalent regulation is put in place in those jurisdictions. Article 1(5) broadly exempts the following categories of entities:
- Multilateral development banks;
- Non-commercial public sector entities owned and guaranteed by central government; and
- The European Financial Stability Facility and the European Stability Mechanism.
10. OTC and Exchange Traded Derivatives: There is no distinction between reporting of exchange traded derivatives (“ETDs”) and OTC contracts within the level 1 regulations, implementing technical standards, or regulatory technical standards of ESMA.
The contract is to be identified by using a unique product identifier. In addition, a unique trade identifier will be required for transactions. In the event that a globally agreed system of product identifiers does not materialise, it has been suggested that International Securities Identification numbers (“ISIN”), Alternative Instruments Identifiers (“AII”), or Classification of Financial Instruments Codes (“CFI”) may serve as alternatives.
11. Trade repository Interactive Brokers use: Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited will use the services of CME ETR, which is part of the CME Group.
12. Issuance of Legal Entity Identifiers (“LEI”)
All EU counterparties entering into derivative trades will need to have a LEI In order to comply with the reporting obligation. The LEI will be used for the purpose of reporting counterparty data.
A LEI is a unique identifier or code attached to a legal person or structure, that will allow for the unambiguous identification of parties to financial transactions.
“EMIR”: Further Information on Reporting to Trade Repository Obligations
13. Thresholds which determine whether an NFC is an NFC+ or NFC-: Breaching any of the following clearing threshold values will mean classification as an NFC+. Positions must be calculated on a notional, 30-day rolling average basis:
• EUR 1 billion in gross notional value for OTC credit derivative contracts;
• EUR 1 billion in gross notional value for OTC equity derivative contracts;
• EUR 3 billion in gross notional value for OTC interest rate derivative contracts;
• EUR 3 billion in gross notional value for OTC FX derivative contracts; and
• EUR 3 billion in gross notional value for OTC commodity derivative contracts and other OTC derivative contracts not covered above.
For the purpose of calculating whether a clearing threshold has been breached, an NFC must aggregate the transactions of all non-financial entities in its group (and determine whether or not those entities are inside or outside the EU) but discount transactions entered into for hedging or treasury purposes. The term “hedging transactions” in this context means transactions objectively measureable as reducing risks directly relating to the commercial activity or treasuring financing activity of the NFC or its group.
14. Reporting Of Exposures: FCs and NFC+s must report on:
* Mark-to-market or mark-to-model valuations of each contract
* Details of all collateral posted, either on a transaction or portfolio basis (i.e. where collateral is calculated on the basis of net positions resulting from a set of contracts rather than being posted on a transaction by transaction basis)
15. Timetable to report to Trade repositories: The reporting start date is 12 February 2014:
* New contracts they enter into on or after February 12th, on a trade date +1;
* Positions open from contracts entered into on or after 16 August 2012 and still open on February 12th, 2014 must be reported to a trade repository by February 12th 2014;
* Positions open from contracts entered into before 16th August and still open on February 12th, 2014 must be reported to a trade repository by 13th May 2014;
* Reporting of valuation and collateral must be reported to a trade repository by 12th August 2014;
* Contracts that were either entered before, on or after 16 August 2012 but not open on 12th February 2014 must be reported to a trade repository by February 12th, 2017.
16. What must be reported and when: Information must be reported on the counterparties to each trade (counterparty data) and the contracts themselves (common data).
There are 26 items that must be reported with regard to counterparty data, and 59 items that must be reported with regard to common data. These items are set out within tables 1 and 2 of the Annex to the ESMA’s Regulatory technical standards on minimum details to be reported to trade repositories.
Counterparties and CCPs have to make a report:
* when a contract is entered into
* when a contract is modified
* when a contract is terminated
A report must be made no later than the working day following the conclusion, modification or termination of the contract.
17. What has to be reported and who is responsible for reporting: Reporting applies to both OTC derivatives and exchange traded derivatives. The reporting obligation applies to counterparties to a trade, irrespective of their classification. Please note:
* Reporting of valuation and collateral is only required for FCs and NFC+s
* Every trade must be normally be reported by both counterparties.


IB Index CFDs - Facts and Q&A

The following article is intended to provide a general introduction to index-based Contracts for Differences (CFDs) issued by IBKR.

For information on IBKR Share CFDs, please click here. For Forex CFDs click here.

Risk Warning
CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.

61% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with IBKR.

You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

ESMA Rules for CFDs (Retail Clients only)
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has enacted new CFD rules effective 1st August 2018.

The rules include: 1) leverage limits on the opening of a CFD position; 2) a margin close out rule on a per account basis; and 3) negative balance protection on a per account basis.

The ESMA Decision is only applicable to retail clients. Professional clients are unaffected.

Please refer to the following articles for more detail:

ESMA CFD Rules Implementation at IBKR (UK) and IBKR LLC

ESMA CFD Rules Implementation at IBIE and IBCE


IBKR Index CFDs are contracts which deliver the return of a market index. Said differently, the CFD is an agreement between the buyer (you) and IBKR to exchange the difference between the current value of an index, and its value at a future time. If you hold a long position and the difference is positive, IBKR pays you. If it is negative, you pay IBKR.

IBKR Index CFDs are traded through your margin account, and you can therefore enter long as well as short leveraged positions.

IBKR Index CFDs   Commissions  
Contract IB Symbol Per Trade Min. Per Order Currency Multiplier*
US 500 IBUS500 0.005% 1.00 USD 1
US 30 IBUS30 0.005% 1.00 USD 1
US Tech 100 IBUST100 0.010% 1.00 USD 1
UK 100 IBGB100 0.005% 1.00 GBP 1
EURO 50 IBEU50 0.010% 1.00 EUR 1
GERMANY 40 IBDE40 0.005% 1.00 EUR 1
FRANCE 40 IBFR40 0.010% 1.00 EUR 1
SPAIN 35 IBES35 0.010% 1.00 EUR 1
NETHERLANDS 25 IBNL25 0.010% 1.00 EUR 1
SWITZERLAND 20 IBCH20 0.010% 1.00 CHF 1
JAPAN 225 IBJP225 0.010% 40.00 JPY 1
HONG KONG 50 IBHK50 0.010% 10.00 HKD 1
AUSTRALIA 200 IBAU200 0.010% 1.00 AUD 1
*times index level          

The price of the Index CFD is directly related to the price of the exchange-quoted related future. The price-movement of the Index CFD tracks the movement of the related future, although the price levels differ by an adjustment for interest and dividends (fair-value adjustment).

For example (actual quotes):

29-Jan-15 IBDE 30         DAX Mar'15    
Time Bid  Ask Spread Change   Bid  Ask Spread Change
10:10:04 10706.69 10707.19 0.5     10710.00 10710.50 0.5  
10:10:11 10704.19 10705.19 1 -2.5   10707.50 10708.50 1 -2.5
10:10:19 10709.19 10709.69 0.5 5.0   10712.50 10713.00 0.5 5.0
10:10:27 10710.19 10710.69 0.5 1   10713.50 10714.00 0.5 1
10:10:33 10709.69 10710.69 1 -0.5   10713 10714 1 -0.5

IBKR Index CFD Price Determination: As discussed the IBKR Index CFDs track the related future, adjusted for fair value. The synthetic index level is very close to the cash index, but may differ somewhat as explained below.

In the futures market fair value is the equilibrium price for a futures contract. It is the price at which an investor effectively pays the appropriate rate of interest, and is compensated for the dividends he forgoes by holding the future rather than the underlying shares.

The fair value is determined by adjusting the cash index as follows, taking into account the time remaining to expiry:

Cash Index Value + Interest - Dividends = Future at Fair Value

To determine the value of the IBKR Index CFD, we reverse the process:

Actual Futures Price - Interest + Dividends = IBKR Index CFD Value

The result is not necessarily the same value as the cash index. This is because the starting point is the actual price of the future, and the future may trade above or below its fair value.

Having established the level for the synthetic index, the actual CFD quotes show spreads and ticks that reflect those of the underlying future. IB charges a commission rather than widening the spread, enabling a transparent comparison between the returns of the Index CFD and the related future.


Low Commissions and Financing Rates: Unlike other Index CFD providers IBKR charges a transparent commission, rather than widening the spread of the related future. Depending on the index, commission rates are only 0.005% - 0.01%. Overnight financing rates are just benchmark +/- 1.5%.

Transparent Quotes: Because IBKR does not widen the spread, the Index CFD quotes accurately  represent the spreads and price movements of the related future, and there are no re-quotes. What you see is what you get.
Flexible Exposure to Major Markets: IBKR Index CFDs are available for the main US, European and Asia Pacific indices. They can be traded in lots as small as 1X the index level, a fraction of the size of the related futures. And unlike the related futures, they do not need to be rolled over. You can trade all European and US IBKR Index CFDs from 09:00 - 22:00 CET.
Margin Efficiency: IBKR Index CFDs are margined at the same low rates as the related future, adjusted for contract size (subject to a minimum of 5%). Retail clients are subject to regulatory minimum initial margins of 5% or 10% depending on the index. Please see ESMA CFD Rules Implementation at IBKR for additional detail and examples.
IBKR also offers intraday margin rates on Index CFDs at a level consistent with that of the related futures contract. Intraday rates are generally set at 50% of the overnight rate and are offered during a time frame which begins at the start of liquid trading hours and ends 15 minutes before the liquid trading close. Retail clients are subject to the ESMA minimum margin requirements both intraday and overnight.

IBKR Symbol Liquid Hours Total Hours* Time Zone
IBUS500 09:30 - 16:00 03:00 - 16:00 EST
IBUS30 09:30 - 16:00 03:00 - 16:00 EST
IBUST100 09:30 - 16:00 03:00 - 16:00 EST
IBGB100 08:00 - 16:30 08:00 - 21:00 GMT
IBEU50 09:00 - 22:00 09:00 - 22:00 CET
IBDE40 09:00 - 22:00 09:00 - 22:00 CET
IBFR40 09:00 - 18:15 09:00 - 22:00 CET
IBES35 09:00 - 17:35 09:00 - 20:00 CET
IBNL25 09:00 - 17:30 09:00 - 22:00 CET
IBCH20 09:00 - 17:27 09:00 - 22:00 CET
IBJP225 09:00 - 15:00 09:00 - 15:00 JST
IBHK50 09:30 - 16:00 09:30 - 16:00 HKT
IBAU200 10:00 - 16:00 10:00 - 16:00 EDT

*Total Hours may be restricted to Liquid Hours during periods of extreme market volatility

Trading requiring margin involves a high degree of risk and may result in a loss of funds greater than the amount you have deposited.

Dividend Adjustment: Based on ordinary dividends for the constituents of each index. Dividends are accrued on the ex-date and settled T + 2.
Corporate Action Adjustments: None for the CFD. Corporate actions are reflected in the index level
Trading Permissions: Same as for Share CFDs
Market Data Permissions: Index CFD market data is free, but permission is required for system reasons


Worked Trade Example (Professional Clients):

Opening the Position

You purchase 10 IBUS30 CFDs at $23,534.48 for USD 235,344.80, which you then hold for 5 days.

IBUS30 Index CFDs – New Position
Reference Underlying Price 23,465 - 23,466
CFDs Reference Price 23,533.48 - 23,534.48
Action Buy
Quantity 10
Trade Value USD 235,344.80
Margin (variable, minimum 5%) USD 15,393.00


Interest tier Charged (on USD 235,344.80 over 5 days)
Flat Interest (BM + 1.5%) USD 235,344.80 2.684% (USD 87.73)

Closing the Position

Exit CFD Position
  Profit Scenario Loss Scenario
Reference Underlying Price 23,627 - 23,628 23,303 - 23,304
CFDs Reference Price 23,693.34 - 23,694.34 23,369.34 - 23,370.34
Action Sell Sell
Quantity 10 10
Trade Value USD 236,933.40 USD 233,693.40
Trade P&L USD 1,588.60 (USD 1,651.40)
Financing (USD 87.73) (USD 87.73)
Entry Commission 0.005% (USD 11.77) (USD 11.77)
Exit Commission 0.005% (USD 11.85) (USD 11.68)
Total P&L   USD 1,477.25 (USD 1,762.58)


CFD Resources

Below are some useful links with more detailed information on IBKR’s CFD offering:

CFD Product Listings

CFD Commissions

CFD Financing Rates

CFD Margin Requirements

CFD Corporate Actions

CFD Contract Specifications

The following video tutorial is also available:

How to Place a CFD Trade on the Trader Workstation

Frequently asked Questions

What Indices are available as CFDs?

The principal indices in the United States, Europe and Asia Pacific. Please see CFD Product Listings for more detail.

Do you have CFDs on commodities?

IBKR does not currently offer Commodity CFDs.

How do you determine your Index CFD quotes?

IBKR Index CFDs track the related future, adjusted for fair value. It is in effect a synthetic index level that is very close to the cash index, but may differ somewhat as explained below.

In the futures market fair value is the equilibrium price for a futures contract. It is the price at which an investor effectively pays the appropriate rate of interest, and is compensated for the dividends he forgoes by holding the future rather than the underlying shares.

The fair value is determined by adjusting the cash index as follows, taking into account the time remaining to expiry:

Cash Index Value + Interest - Dividends = Future at Fair Value

To determine the value of the IBKR Index CFD, we reverse the process:

Actual Futures Price - Interest + Dividends = IB Index CFD Value

The result is not necessarily the same value as the cash index. This is because the starting point is the actual price of the future, and the future may trade above or below its fair value.

Having established the level for the synthetic index, the actual CFD quotes show spreads and ticks that reflect those of the underlying future. IBKR charges a commission rather than widening the spread, enabling a transparent comparison between the returns of the Index CFD and the related future.

How do you determine margins for Index CFDs?

The margins are the same as for the related future, adjusted for size, including lower rates intraday. Please refer to CFD Margin Requirements for more detail. Retail clients are subject to regulatory minimum initial margins of 5% or 10% depending on the index. Please see ESMA CFD Rules Implementation at IBKR for additional detail.

Are short Index CFDs subject to forced buy-in?

No. As the reference instrument is a future, the index CFD is not affected by stock loan availability.

How do you handle dividends and corporate actions?

The index level itself is adjusted for corporate actions, and no direct adjustments to the CFD are
necessary. Index CFDs are however adjusted for dividends as the underlying future is typically based on a price index. The only exception among the currently available IB Index CFDs is Germany 40 (IBDE40), which is based on a total return index.

For an overview please see CFD Corporate Actions.

Can anyone trade IBKR CFDs?

All clients can trade IBKR CFDs, except residents of the USA, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Israel. There are no exemptions based on investor type to the residency based exclusions.

What do I need to do to start trading CFDs with IBKR?

You need to set up trading permission for CFDs in Client Portal and agree to the relevant trading disclosures. If your account is with IBKR (UK) or with IBKR LLC, IBKR will then set up a new account segment (identified with your existing account number plus the suffix “F”). Once the set-up is confirmed you can begin to trade. You do not need to fund the F-account separately, funds will be automatically transferred to meet CFD margin requirements from your main account.  

If your account is with another IBKR entity, only the permission is required; an additional account segment is not necessary.

Are there any market data requirements?

The market data for IB Index CFDs is free, but you need to subscribe to it for system reasons. It is a global permission (like FX), so you only need to subscribe once. To do this, log into Client Portal and click the User menu (head and shoulders icon in the top right corner) followed by User Settings. Under Trading Platforms select the Configure (gear) icon next to Market Data Subscriptions. Click the Configure (gear) icon next to Current GFIS Subscriptions to review what other services you may be interested in. Alternatively you can set up an Index CFD in your TWS quote monitor and click the “Market Data Subscription Manager” button that appears on the quote line.

How are my CFD trades and positions reflected in my statements?

If you are a client of IBKR (U.K.) or IBKR LLC, your CFD positions are held in a separate account segment identified by your primary account number with the suffix “F”. You can choose to view Activity Statements for the F-segment either separately or consolidated with your main account. You can make the choice in the statement window in Client Portal.


If you are a client of other IBKR entities, there is no separate segment. You can view your positions normally alongside your non-CFD positions.

Can I transfer in CFD positions from another broker?

IB does not currently have a facility for transferring Index CFD positions. 

In what type of IBKR accounts can I trade CFDs e.g., Individual, Friends and Family,
Institutional, etc.?

All margin and cash accounts are eligible for CFD trading. 

What are the maximum positions I can have in a specific Index CFD?

There is no pre-set limit for position size, but please be aware that trade-size restrictions apply to Index CFDs. Please see the table at the beginning of this document for more detail.

Can I trade CFDs over the phone?

No. In exceptional cases we may agree to process closing orders over the phone, but never opening orders.


Overview of IBKR issued Share CFDs

The following article is intended to provide a general introduction to share-based Contracts for Differences (CFDs) issued by IBKR.

For Information on IBKR Index CFDs click here. For Forex CFDs click here. For Precious Metals click here.

Topics covered are as follows:

I.    CFD Definition
II.   Comparison Between CFDs and Underlying Shares
III. CFD Tax and Margin Advantage
V.   CFD Resources
VI.  Frequently Asked Questions

Risk Warning

CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.

61% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with IBKR.

You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

ESMA Rules for CFDs (Retail Clients only)

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has enacted new CFD rules effective 1st August 2018.

The rules include: 1) leverage limits on the opening of a CFD position; 2) a margin close out rule on a per account basis; and 3) negative balance protection on a per account basis.

The ESMA Decision is only applicable to retail clients. Professional clients are unaffected.

Please refer to the following articles for more detail:

ESMA CFD Rules Implementation at IBKR (UK) and IBKR LLC

ESMA CFD Rules Implementation at IBIE and IBCE

I.  Share  CFD Definition

IBKR CFDs are OTC contracts which deliver the return of the underlying stock, including dividends and corporate actions (read more about CFD corporate actions).

Said differently, it is an agreement between the buyer (you) and IBKR to exchange the difference in the current value of a share, and its value at a future time. If you hold a long position and the difference is positive, IBKR pays you. If it is negative, you pay IBKR.

IBKR Share CFDs are traded through your cash or margin account, and you can enter long as well as short leveraged positions. The price of the CFD is the exchange-quoted price of the underlying share. In fact, IBKR CFD quotes are identical to the Smart-routed quotes for shares that you can observe in the Trader Workstation and IBKR offers Direct Market Access (DMA). Similar to shares, your non-marketable (i.e. limit) orders have the underlying hedge directly represented on the deep book of those exchanges at which it trades.  This also means that you can place orders to buy the CFD at the underlying bid and sell at the offer.

To compare IBKR’s transparent CFD model to others available in the market please see our Overview of CFD Market Models.

IBKR currently offers approximately 8000 Share CFDs covering the principal markets in the US, Europe and Asia. The constituents of the major indexes listed below are currently available as IBKR Share CFDs. In many countries IBKR also offers trading in liquid small cap shares. These are shares with free float adjusted market capitalization of at least USD 500 million and median daily trading value of at least USD 600 thousand.  Please see CFD Product Listings for more detail. More countries will be added in the near future.

United States S&P 500, DJA, Nasdaq 100, S&P 400 (Mid Cap), Liquid Small Cap
United Kingdom FTSE 350 + Liquid Small Cap (incl. IOB)
Germany Dax, MDax, TecDax + Liquid Small Cap
Switzerland Swiss portion of STOXX Europe 600 (48 shares) + Liquid Small Cap
France CAC Large Cap, CAC Mid Cap + Liquid Small Cap
Netherlands AEX, AMS Mid Cap + Liquid Small Cap
Belgium BEL 20, BEL Mid Cap + Liquid Small Cap
Spain IBEX 35 + Liquid Small Cap
Portugal PSI 20
Sweden OMX Stockholm 30 + Liquid Small Cap
Finland OMX Helsinki 25 + Liquid Small Cap
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 30 + Liquid Small Cap
Norway OBX
Czech PX
Japan Nikkei 225 + Liquid Small Cap
Hong Kong HSI + Liquid Small Cap
Australia ASX 200 + Liquid Small Cap
Singapore STI + Liquid Small Cap
South Africa Top 40 + Liquid Small Cap
Brazil Bovespa
Russia MOEX

II.   Comparison Between CFDs and Underlying Shares

Depending on your trading objectives and trading style, CFDs offer a number of advantages compared to stocks, but also some disadvantages:
No stamp duty or financial transaction tax (UK, France, Belgium, Spain) No ownership rights
Generally lower margin rates than shares* Complex corporate actions may not always be exactly replicable
Tax treaty rates for dividends without need for reclaim Taxation of gains may differ from shares (please consult your tax advisor)
Exemption from day trading rules  
US ETFs tradable as CFDs**  

*IB LLC and IB-UK accounts.

**EEA area clients cannot trade US ETFs directly, as they do not publish KIDs.

III. CFD Tax and Margin Advantage

Where stamp duty or financial transaction tax is applied, currently in the UK (0.5%), France (0.3%), Belgium (0.35%) and Spain (0.2%), it has a substantially detrimental impact on returns, particular in an active trading strategy. The taxes are levied on buy-trades, so each time you open a long, or close a short position, you will incur tax at the rates described above.

The amount of available leverage also significantly impacts returns. For European IBKR entities, margin requirements are risk-based for both stocks and CFDs, and therefore generally the same. IB-UK and IB LLC accounts however are subject to Reg T requirements, which limit available leverage to 2:1 for positions held overnight.

To illustrate, let's assume that you have 20,000 to invest and wish to leverage your investment fully. Let's also assume that you hold your positions overnight and that you trade in and out of positions 5 times in a month.

Let's finally assume that your strategy is successful and that you have earned a 5% return on your gross (fully leveraged) investment.

The table below shows the calculation in detail for a UK security. The calculations for France, Belgium and Spain are identical, except for the tax rates applied.

  UK CFD UK Stock UK Stock
All Entities
EU Account
Tax Rate 0% 0.50% 0.50%
Tax Basis N/A Buy Orders Buy Orders
# of Round trips 5 5 5
Commission rate 0.05% 0.05% 0.05%
Overnight Margin 20% 20% 50%
Financing Rate 1.508% 1.508% 1.508%
Days Held 30 30 30
Gross Rate of Return 5% 5% 5%
Investment 100,000 100,000 40,000
Amount Financed 100,000 80,000 20,000
Own Capital 20,000 20,000 20,000
Tax on Purchase 0.00 2,500.00 1,000.00
Round-trip Commissions 500.00 500.00 200.00
Financing 123.95 99.16 24.79
Total Costs 623.95 3099.16 1224.79
Gross Return 5,000 5,000 2,000
Return after Costs 4,376.05 1,900.84 775.21
Difference   -57% -82%

The following table summarizes the reduction in return for a stock investment, by country where tax is applied, compared to a CFD investment, given the above assumptions.

Stock Return vs cfD Tax Rate EU Account IB LLC or IBUK Acct
UK 0.50% -57% -82%
France 0.30% -34% -73%
Belgium 0.35% -39% -75%
Spain 0.20% -22% -69%


EEA area residents who are retail investors must be provided with a key information document (KID) for all investment products. US ETF issuers do not generally provide KIDs, and US ETFs are therefore not available to EEA retail investors.

CFDs on such ETFs are permitted however, as they are derivatives for which KIDs are available.

Like for all share CFDs, the reference price for CFDs on ETFs is the exchange-quoted, SMART-routed price of the underlying ETF, ensuring economics that are identical to trading the underlying ETF.

V.   CFD Resources

Below are some useful links with more detailed information on IBKR’s CFD offering:

CFD Contract Specifications

CFD Product Listings

CFD Commissions

CFD Financing Rates

CFD Margin Requirements

CFD Corporate Actions

The following video tutorial is also available:

How to Place a CFD Trade on the Trader Workstation


VI.  Frequently Asked Questions

What Stocks are available as CFDs?

Large and Mid-Cap stocks in the US, Western Europe, Nordic and Japan. Liquid Small Cap stocks are also available in many markets. Please see CFD Product Listings for more detail. More countries will be added in the near future.


Do you have CFDs on other asset classes?

Yes. Please see IBKR Index CFDs - Facts and Q&A, Forex CFDs - Facts and Q&A and Metals CFDs - Facts and Q&A.


How do you determine your Share CFD quotes?

IBKR CFD quotes are identical to the Smart routed quotes for the underlying share. IBKR does not widen the spread or hold positions against you. To learn more please go to Overview of CFD Market Models.


Can I see my limit orders reflected on the exchange?

Yes. IBKR offers Direct market Access (DMA) whereby your non-marketable (i.e. limit) orders have the underlying hedges directly represented on the deep books of the exchanges on which they trade. This also means that you can place orders to buy the CFD at the underlying bid and sell at the offer. In addition, you may also receive price improvement if another client's order crosses yours at a better price than is available on public markets.


How do you determine margins for Share CFDs?

IBKR establishes risk-based margin requirements based on the historical volatility of each underlying share. The minimum margin is 10%, making CFDs more margin-efficient than trading the underlying share in many cases.  Retail investors are subject to additional margin requirements mandated by the European regulators. There are no portfolio off-sets between individual CFD positions or between CFDs and exposures to the underlying share. Concentrated positions and very large positions may be subject to additional margin. Please refer to CFD Margin Requirements for more detail.


Are short Share CFDs subject to forced buy-in?

Yes. In the event the underlying stock becomes difficult or impossible to borrow, the holder of the short CFD position may become subject to buy-in.


How do you handle dividends and corporate actions?

IBKR will generally reflect the economic effect of the corporate action for CFD holders as if they had been holding the underlying security. Dividends are reflected as cash adjustments, while other actions may be reflected through either cash or position adjustments, or both. For example, where the corporate action results in a change of the number of shares (e.g. stock-split, reverse stock split), the number of CFDs will be adjusted accordingly. Where the action results in a new entity with listed shares, and IBKR decides to offer these as CFDs, then new long or short positions will be created in the appropriate amount. For an overview please CFD Corporate Actions.

*Please note that in some cases it may not be possible to accurately adjust the CFD for a complex corporate action such as some mergers. In these cases IBKR may terminate the CFD prior to the ex-date.


Can anyone trade IBKR CFDs?

All clients can trade IBKR CFDs, except residents of the USA, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Israel. There are no exemptions based on investor type to the residency based exclusions.

What do I need to do to start trading CFDs with IBKR?

You need to set up trading permission for CFDs in Client Portal, and agree to the relevant disclosures. If your account is with IBKR (UK) or with IBKR LLC, IBKR will then set up a new account segment (identified with your existing account number plus the suffix “F”). Once the set-up is confirmed you can begin to trade. You do not need to fund the F-account separately, funds will be automatically transferred to meet CFD initial margin requirements from your main account.  

If your account is with another IBKR entity, only the permission is required; an additional account segment is not necessary.

Are there any market data requirements?

The market data for IBKR Share CFDs is the market data for the underlying shares. It is therefore necessary to have market data permissions for the relevant exchanges. If you already have market data permissions for an exchange for trading the shares, you do not need to do anything. If you want to trade CFDs on an exchange for which you do not currently have market data permissions, you can set up the permissions in the same way as you would if you planned to trade the underlying shares.

How are my CFD trades and positions reflected in my statements?

If you are a client of IBKR (U.K.) or IBKR LLC, your CFD positions are held in a separate account segment identified by your primary account number with the suffix “F”. You can choose to view Activity Statements for the F-segment either separately or consolidated with your main account. You can make the choice in the statement window in Client Portal.

If you are a client of other IBKR entities, there is no separate segment. You can view your positions normally alongside your non-CFD positions.

Can I transfer in CFD positions from another broker?

IBKR does not facilitate the transfer of CFD positions at this time.

Are charts available for Share CFDs?


In what type of IBKR accounts can I trade CFDs e.g., Individual, Friends and Family, Institutional, etc.? 

All margin and cash accounts are eligible for CFD trading. 

What are the maximum a positions I can have in a specific CFD?

There is no pre-set limit. Bear in mind however that very large positions may be subject to increased margin requirements. Please refer to CFD Margin Requirements for more detail.

Can I trade CFDs over the phone?

No. In exceptional cases we may agree to process closing orders over the phone, but never opening orders.

Overview of CFD Market Models

OTC Contracts For Difference (CFD) markets are generally organized along one of three models: Direct Market Access (DMA), Agency Broker, or the Market Maker model.

IB operates the DMA model, the most transparent of the three. In this model the provider hedges the CFD order immediately in the underlying physical market, and the CFD is executed at the price of the hedge. This serves to enhance pricing transparency and the provider's compensation is typically based solely upon a commission rather than a mark-up or mark-down.

With the DMA model, professionally-oriented IB customers have the ability to add quotes to the exchange book, in the same way they would trading stocks. Because IB matches all CFD orders immediately with a hedge-order, a non-marketable CFD order will create a matching non-marketable order for the underlying share on the exchange. Clients can view "their order" on the level 2 book.

In addition, all orders, whether marketable or not, benefit from IB's SmartRouting technology which ensures best execution by routing the order to one of several underlying markets (LSE, CHI-X, Turquoise, BATS, or internally vs. other client orders).

The Agency Broker model closely resembles the DMA model in that orders are hedged directly via the underlying physical market. Under this model, however, participants will not see their limit orders on the exchange as such orders are held by the provider and passed through only when they become marketable.

By contrast, under the traditional Market Maker model the CFD provider takes all orders into its book, and maintains discretion as to how the trade is hedged or offset, using options, warrants, futures, or directly through the underlying market. The provider often markets the offering as commission-free. Here prices are streamed based on the provider's own pricing model which incorporates a profit into the bid-ask spread. This model is often associated with widening spreads in turbulent markets, as well as the possibility of re-quotes.