BaFin Futures Rules


On September 30, 2022, a General Administrative Act was adopted by BaFin that restricts the marketing, distribution and sale of futures with an Additional Payment Obligation (APO). The act became effective on January 1, 2023

The act affects MiFID retail clients who have their country of legal residence listed as Germany, and covers all exchange-traded futures worldwide with the exception of positions opened prior to January 1, 2023.

APO means the contractual obligation of a retail client to compensate a brokerage firm for losses in excess of the capital deposited by the client for futures trading. In other words, Retail clients in Germany will not have to compensate IBKR for losses related to futures in excess of the funds specifically deposited for futures trading. Any excess losses must be covered by IBKR.

To manage its risk, IBKR has increased the Initial and Maintenance margin requirements for all new Futures positions after 1 January 2023 that are entered into by Retail Clients domiciled in Germany. The margin changes are:

(1)    Intraday Margin no longer applies, only overnight requirements will be used for the calculation

(2)    Margin requirement above the threshold EUR 50'000 will be doubled

Example #1: Normal margin requirement is EUR 75'000, we will require EUR 100'000 in margin (50'000 + (2 x 25'000))
Simply double the amount of margin that is above 50k

(3)    Futures with the same underlying (e.g S&P 500, DAX etc) will be margined together as one 'class'. The increase and calculation would apply to this grouped position (class).

Under the BaFin Futures Rule, only cash allocated for futures trading is at risk. Cash allocated for futures trading equals the initial margin requirement for the future, meaning that only the Initial Margin will be used to cover losses from futures trading. If a loss exceeds the cash allocated to meet the initial margin, IB will not require the client to cover excess losses.

Initial margin requirements for futures must be met with Free Cash. Free cash is your positive cash balances less initial margin for other open positions, and does not include equity in other instruments. If your account does not have sufficient Free Cash to cover the initial Margin requirement the order will be rejected. Note in particular, that if your account has a margin loan (negative cash) you will not be able to trade futures as IBKR is not allowed to increase a margin loan to generate cash for the futures margin requirement.

Futures positions that no longer meet the maintenance margin requirement will be liquidated. Note however, that only futures can be liquidated to cover a margin deficit in futures. By contrast, futures can be liquidated to cover deficits in other instruments.

Clients can opt-in to have all their free cash available to be used to cover variation margin requirements for their futures positions. This reduces the likelihood of liquidations but increases your potential total losses up to your entire available Free Cash.

To request to Opt-In, you will need to login to the Client Portal and select Settings, then select “BaFin Futures for German Retail Investor” and follow the prompts. This will allow you to complete the agreement and confirm the request.





  • 2014年2月12日起 – 衍生品(期貨、期權、期貨期權和CFD)交易和持倉需在T+1時間內上報至認可的“報告庫”。交易所交易衍生品和場外交易衍生品均需上報
  • 2014年8月16日起 – 受監管的金融公司和大型機構須進行估值和抵押品上報
  • 上報需追溯到2012年8月16日



  • 在歐盟成立的受監管金融公司
  • 在歐盟成立的機構


  • 個人和聯名客戶,因爲其不需要進行報告
  • 僅執行客戶
  • 顧問主賬戶
  • 推薦人
  • 資金/財富經理
  • SIPP管理員
  • 員工監測主賬戶
  • 基金管理員賬戶





盈透證券(英國)有限公司將通過CME ETR(從屬￿CME集團)進行交易和持倉報告。

需要注意的是,儘管IB會通過CME ETR報告活動,但監管規定的報告責任在客戶,而不是交易報告庫或IB。

我需要采取什麽操作確保我的交易和持倉通過CME ETR得以妥善報告?









 The regulatory requirements for the Accredited Investor (“AI”) are intended to enhance investor protection.  The current AI regime involves an opt-in/opt-out process. Do familiarise yourself with the treatment of an AI and if you are in doubt, you should consult a professional adviser if you do not understand any consequence of being as an AI.

 Accredited Investor Status

Based on the information you provided,  you have been assessed by us to be an AI (please see Schedule 1 for more information) and we intend to treat you as an AI (please see Schedule 2 for more information) provided you agree to opt-in to indicate your consent to be treated as an AI.  You will not be treated as an AI, if you choose not to opt-in.


If you would like us to serve you as an AI, you will be required to provide your consent to opt-in by ticking the Opt-In Confirmation box.  Your signature on the account opening documents will constitute your consent to opting in once you ticked this Opt-In Confirmation box.  Your “AI” status will apply to all your accounts with us, including joint accounts (unless any of your joint account holders choose not to opt-in in the case of your joint accounts). For corporate accounts, the corporate representative is responsible for checking the Opt-In Confirmation box if the intention is for the corporate account to be treated as an AI.


After you have opted-in,  you may at any time notify us that you do not consent to being treated as an AI.  After 14 days of our receipt of your notice, we will discontinue treating you as an AI when you opt-out.

If you would like to opt-out of your “AI” status at the time of account opening, you will then need to tick the accompanying Opt-Out Confirmation box. Your signature on the account opening forms will indicate your consent to op out once you ticked this Opt-Out Confirmation box.  We will notify you once your investor status has been updated in our records.  Until such time, we will continue to treat you as an AI.  When you opt-out, you will be served as a Non-AI which means we will no longer be able to offer you certain products and services that are offered only to AI customers. You will also be required to sign certain risk disclosure statements and/or have product restrictions placed on your trading.  If you wish to subsequently opt-out after account opening, please contact our Customer Service Center.


Other Holders Not Opting in (Joint Account(s))

For a joint account to be opened with us with the intention of being served under the AI status, all account holders of the relevant Joint Account are required to provide their opt-in consent.

Should any one of the account holders of a Joint Account with AI status opt out, the Joint Account will be affected and we would no longer be able to offer you certain products and services that are only offered to AI customers via that Joint Account.  We can only continue to provide non-AI services for dealing through that Joint Account.  For the avoidance of doubt, this will not affect the status of accounts other than the relevant Joint Accounts(s). If you wish to subsequently opt-out after the joint account opening, please contact our Customer Service Center.


Corporations Not Opting in (Joint Account(s))

Should the Corporate Account not want to be treated as an AI, it can choose to opt out at the time of account opening. The corporate representative is responsible for ticking the Opt-Out Confirmation box if the intention is for the corporate account to be treated as an AI.

Should any one of the AI shareholders of a Corporate Account with AI status opt out, the Corporate Account will be affected and we would no longer be able to offer you certain products and services that are only offered to AI customers via that Corporate  Account.  We can only continue to provide non-AI services for dealing through that Corporate  Account.  For the avoidance of doubt, this will not affect the status of accounts other than the relevant Corporate Accounts(s). If you wish to subsequently opt-out after the corporate account opening, please contact our Customer Service Center.



“Accredited investor” means 

An individual

(a)  those net personal assets exceed in value $2 million (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) or such other amount as the Authority may prescribe in place of the first amount;

(b)  whose financial assets (net of any related liabilities) exceed in value $1 million (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) or such other amount as the Authority may prescribe in place of the first amount, where “financial asset” means —

(i)               a deposit as defined in section 4B of the Banking Act;

(ii)             an investment product as defined in section 2(1) of the Financial Advisers Act; or

(iii)            any other asset as may be prescribed by regulations made under section 341of the SFA; or

(c)  whose income in the preceding 12 months is not less than $300,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency)


In determining the value of an individual’s net personal assets for the purposes of subsection (1)(a)(i)(A), the value of the individual’s primary residence —


(a)   is to be calculated by deducting any outstanding amounts in respect of any credit facility that is secured by the residence from the estimated fair market value of the residence; and

(b)   is taken to be the lower of the following:

(i)               the value calculated under paragraph (a);

(ii)             $1 million.


A corporation 

(a) its net assets exceed S$10,000,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) as determined by

(i) its most recent audited balance-sheet or

(ii) its balance-sheet certified by the Corporation as giving a true and fair view of its state of affairs as of the date of the balance-sheet (which date is within the twelve (12) months preceding the date of submitting this form); or

(b) its entire share capital is owned by one or more persons, all of whom are accredited investors as defined in section 4A of the SFA.




General Warning : Accredited investors are assumed to be better informed, and better able to access resources to protect their own interests.  Because accredited investors are considered to be more financially savvy, it is inferred they therefore require less regulatory protection.  Investors who agree to be treated as accredited investors accordingly forgo the benefit of certain requlatory safeguards.  However, it has been observed that using factors of net worth and/or net income to determine who is an accredited investor, is not necessarily a reflection of how financially savvy an investor can be. Investors should consult a professional adviser is they do not understand any consequence of being treated as an accredited investor. 

The following sets out a summary of the effects under the consent provisions of you being treated by us as an accredited investor.  Where we deal with you as an accredited investor, we would be exempt from complying with requirements under the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore (the “SFA”) and certain requlations and notices issued thereunder. 

Please note that the regulatory requirements that we are exempted when dealing with you as an accredited investor are subject to regulatory changes and may be updated from time to time.  Currently, the relevant consent provisions come under the Securities and Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations.

Under the SFA and the regulations and notices issued thereunder:

1.    Compensation from fidelity fund under Section 186(1) the SFA.  Section 186(1) of the SFA provides for a fidelity fund to be held and applied for the purposes of compensating persons who suffer pecuniary loss because of certain defaults.  You would not be entitled to be compensated from the fidelity fund, even if you have suffered pecuniary loss in the manner contemplated under Section 186(1) of the SFA.


2.    Prospectus Exemptions under Section 275 and 305 of the SFA.  Sections 275 and 305 of the SFA exempt the offeror from registering a prospectus when the offer of securities and securities-based derivatives contracts, and units of collective investment schemes is made to relevant persons (including accredited investors).  In addition, secondary sales made to institutional investors and relevant persons remain exempt from the prospectus registration requirement provided that certain requirements are met. You can be offered certain products that cannot be offered to retail investors.  The issuer and/or offeror is not subject to the statutory prospectus liability under the SFA.  Subsequent sales of securities, securities-based derivative contracts and collective investment schemes first sold under inter alia Section 275 and 305 can also be made to you, as well as transfers of securities of certain corporations and interests in certain trusts.

3.    Restrictions on Advertisements under Section 251 and 300 of the SFA.  Section 251 and 300 of the SFA prohibit any advertisement or publication referring to an offer or intended offer of securities and securities-based derivatives contracts, and unit of collective investment schemes from being made.


4.    Part III of the Securities and Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations (“SFR”). Part III of the SFR stipulates the requirements imposed on us in relation to the treatment of customers’ assets.  We are exempt from treating your as a “retail investor” in relation to certain requirements pertaining to the treatment of a retail customer’s assets, as summarised below.


-        Customer Assets (Regulation 26(1)(a))

For retail investors, we deposit customer assets into a custody account maintained in accordance with Regulation 27 of the SFR (requires the custody account to be maintained with certain specified institutions only); or  into an account directed by the retail customer to which the retail customer has legal and beneficial title and maintained with, inter alia , licensed banks, merchant banks or finance companies or banks established and regulated as banks outside Singapore. For an accreditor investor, we deposit customer assets into a custody account maintained in accordance with Regulation 27 of the SFR (requires the custody account to be maintained with certain specified institutions only); or into an account directed by the accredited investor.


-        Disclosure requirement (Regulation27A)

For retail customers, we make certain disclosures (such as whether the assets will be commingled with other customers and the risks of commingling, consequences if the institution which maintains the custody account becomes insolvent) in writing prior to depositing assets in custody account. There is no such requirement for accredited investors.


-        Mortgage if customer’s assets – the bank may mortgage, charge, pledge or hypothecate customer’s assets for a sum not exceeding the amount owed by the customer to the bank (Regulation 34(2))

Prior to doing so, the bank must inform the retail customer of this right and explain the risks and obtain written consent of the retail customer. There is no equivalent requirement on an accredited investor.


-        Prohibition on transferring title of assets received from customer to the bank or any other person (Regulation34A)

The above prohibition applies to retail customers unless the assets are transferred in connection with borrowing or lending of specified products in accordance with Regulation 45 of the SFR.  There is no such requirement for accredited investors.

-        Withdrawals from custody account to transfer the asset to any other person or account in accordance with the written direction of the customer (Regulation 35(2))

For the retail customers, we are not permitted to transfer retail customer’s assets, to meet any of our obligations in relation to any transaction entered into by us  for our benefit. There is no such requirement for accredited investors.


5.    Regulation 47BA of the SFR.  Regulation 47BA of the SFR provides that a bank must not deal with a retail customer as an agent when dealing in certain markets products.  We ae not subject to this prohibition if you are an accredited investor and may deal with you as an agent in relation to over-the-counter derivatives contracts and/or spot foreign exchange contracts, for the purposes of leveraged foreign exchange trading.


6.    Regulation 47E of the SFR.  We are not under any obligation under Regulation 47E(1) and (2) of the SFR to provide for certain risk disclosure requirements for (a) trading in futures contracts, spot FX contracts for the purposes of leveraged FX trading and FX OTC derivatives (the “Products”), (b) soliciting or entering into fund management agreements to manage Products for you.


7.    Section 99H(1)(s) of the SFA read with Regulations 3A(5)(c), (d), (e) and (7) of the SFR. If we appoint a provisional representative or temporary representative in respect of any SFA regulated activity, we would undertake certain responsibilities in relation to the representative’s interactions with any client or member of the public.  We are not under any statutory obligation to restrict the interaction with you that may be undertaken by such representatives.


8.    Regulation 33 of the SFR.  We are not under any statutory obligation under Regulation 33(2)(a) of the SFR to explain the risks involved to you prior to us lending or arranging for a custodian to lend your specified products.


9.    Regulation 40 of the SFR.  Provided: (a) we have made available to you (on a real-time basis) with your consent monthly and quarterly statements of account containing prescribed particulars electronically or (b) you have requested in writing not to receive the statement of account, we are not under any statutory obligation under Regulation 40(1) of the SRG to furnish a monthly or quarterly statement of account to you.


10. Regulation 45 of the SFR.  We are not under any statutory obligation to provide collateral to you under Regulation 45 of the SFR when we borrow specified products from you.  Where we provide assets to you as collateral for the borrowing, unlike for retail investors, the agreement does not have to include the requirement to mark-to-market on every business day the specified products that are borrowed nor the minimum collateral comprising specified products nor procedures for calculating the margins.


11. Regulation 47DA of the SFR.  We are not required to provide certain general risk disclosures or disclose to you the capacity in which we act when opening a trading account for entering into transactions of any products that are not future contracts, spot FX contracts and FX OTC derivatives.


12. MAS Notice on the Sale of Investment Products [Notice No SFA 04-N12]. This MAS Notice sets out requirements which apply to a licensed person who deals in investment products to its clients. We are statutorily not required to conduct a Customer Knowledge Assessment or Customer Account Review to determine your investment experience and knowledge nor are we required to comply with certain procedures, including furnishing certain risk warnings on overseas-listed investment products.




Your signature on the account opening forms will indicate your acknowledgement that you have read this NOTIFICATION ON THE OPT-IN/OPT-OUT OPTION FOR ACCREDITED INVESTORS and understand its contents.





Clients of IBKR Singapore have to select one of the following Investor Categories under the definition of the Singapore Securities & Futures Act during the account application:

  • Retail
  • Accredited
  • Expert
  • Institutional

 Table of contents

  • Accredited Investors definition
  • Expert Investors definition
  • Institutional Investors definition

 Accredited Investors definition


i. Net personal assets exceed S$2,000,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) in value, of which no more than S$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) in value is contributed by the net estimated fair market value of his/her primary residence.

ii. Financial assets (net of any related liabilities) exceed S$1,000,000 in value (or its equivalent in a foreign currency).

iii. Income in the preceding twelve (12) months is not less than S$300,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency).


i. Net assets exceed S$10,000,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) as determined by (a) its most recent audited balance-sheet or (b) where the Applicant is not required to prepare audited accounts regularly, its balance-sheet certified by the Applicant as giving a true and fair view of its state of affairs as of the date of the balance-sheet (which date is within the twelve (12) months preceding the date of account opening).

ii. Entire share capital is owned by one or more persons, all of whom are accredited investors as defined in section 4A of the Securities and Futures Act.

Please note that being treated as an accredited investor means, among other things, that the Client will be deemed to have more knowledge and the ability to understand and manage the risks of the financial products that he/she chooses to invest in. This means that Interactive Brokers Singapore is allowed to assume that the Client has a certain level of understanding of financial products, including collective investment schemes. In addition, when the Client holds certain financial instruments or participates in certain activities, it will be afforded fewer statutory protections and remedies than retail investors.

For more information on the effects on being treated as an Accredited Investors, please click here.


Expert Investors definition

i. a person whose business involves the acquisition and disposal, or the holding, of capital markets products, whether as principal or agent;

ii. the trustee of such trust as the MAS may prescribe, when acting in that capacity; or

iii. such other person as the MAS may prescribe.


Institutional Investors definition

i. the Government of Singapore;

ii. a statutory board as may be prescribed by regulations made under Section 341 of the Securities and Futures Act;

iii. an entity that is wholly and beneficially owned, whether directly or indirectly, by a central government of a country and whose principal activity is —

(A) to manage its own funds;

(B) to manage the funds of the central government of that country (which may include the reserves of that central government and any pension or provident fund of that country); or

(C) to manage the funds (which may include the reserves of that central government and any pension or provident fund of that country) of another entity that is wholly and beneficially owned, whether directly or indirectly, by the central government of that country;

iv. any entity —

(A) that is wholly and beneficially owned, whether directly or indirectly, by the central government of a country; and

(B) whose funds are managed by an entity that is wholly and beneficially owned, whether directly or indirectly, by a central government of a country and whose principal activity is —

  1. to manage its own funds;
  2. to manage the funds of the central government of that country (which may include the reserves of that central government and any pension or provident fund of that country); or
  3. to manage the funds (which may include the reserves of that central government and any pension or provident fund of that country) of another entity that is wholly and beneficially owned, whether directly or indirectly, by the central government of that country;

v. a central bank in a jurisdiction other than Singapore;

vi. a central government in a country other than Singapore;

vii. an agency (of a central government in a country other than Singapore) that is incorporated or established in a country other than Singapore;

viii. a multilateral agency, international organisation or supranational agency as may be prescribed by regulations made under Section 341;

ix. a bank that is licensed under the Banking Act (Cap. 19);

x. a merchant bank that is approved as a financial institution under Section 28 of the Monetary Authority of Singapore Act (Cap. 186);

xi. a finance company that is licensed under the Finance Companies Act (Cap. 108);

xii. a company or co-operative society that is licensed under the Insurance Act (Cap. 142) to carry on insurance business in Singapore;

xiii. a company licensed under the Trust Companies Act (Cap. 336);

xiv. a holder of a capital markets services licence;

xvi. an approved exchange;

xvii. a recognised market operator;

xviii. an approved clearing house;

xix. a recognised clearing house;

xx. a licensed trade repository;

xxi. a licensed foreign trade repository;

xxii. an approved holding company;

xxiii. a Depository as defined in Section 81SF of the Securities and Futures Act;

xxiv. an entity or a trust formed or incorporated in a jurisdiction other than Singapore, which is regulated for the carrying on of any financial activity in that jurisdiction by a public authority of that jurisdiction that exercises a function that corresponds to a regulatory function of the Monetary Authority of Singapore under this Act, the Banking Act (Cap. 19), the Finance Companies Act (Cap. 108), the Monetary Authority of Singapore Act (Cap. 186), the Insurance Act (Cap. 142), the Trust Companies Act (Cap. 336) or such other Act as may be prescribed by regulations made under Section 341 of the Securities and Futures Act;

xxv. a pension fund, or collective investment scheme, whether constituted in Singapore or elsewhere;

xxvi. a person (other than an individual) who carries on the business of dealing in bonds with accredited investors or expert investors;

xxvii. the trustee of such trust as the Monetary Authority of Singapore may prescribe, when acting in that capacity; or

xxviii. such other person as the Monetary Authority of Singapore may prescribe.




A.        資金轉帳限制 – 俄羅斯盧布(RUB)

B.        持有俄羅斯證券倉位的客戶

  • 受制裁的俄羅斯證券

  • 未受制裁的俄羅斯證券 

C.       俄羅斯美國存托憑證(ADR)/全球存托憑證(GDR)

D.        來自烏克蘭某些地區的客戶

  • 盧甘斯克和頓涅茨克地區

    • 賬戶限制

  • 赫爾松和扎波羅熱地區

E.       在受制裁銀行持有賬戶的客戶

F.         對俄羅斯或白俄羅斯國民、公民和/或居民造成影響的限制

  • 莫斯科證券交易所(MOEX)

  • 歐盟證券限制 


A. 資金轉帳限制 – 俄羅斯盧布(RUB)


 1.      盧布資金轉帳有哪些限制?

IBKR不再接受盧布存款。 任何盧布存款均會被拒絕。

IBKR會根據您賬戶所屬IBKR實體定期將盧布餘額兌換成美元或歐元。 請訪問IBKR知識庫瞭解關于貨幣兌換的詳細信息。

目前,我們接受盧布取款請求。 但是,我們無法保證銀行會處理該等請求。

 2.      如果我賬戶的基礎貨幣就是盧布怎麽辦?

目前IBKR不允許客戶將盧布作爲基礎貨幣。 如果您先前以盧布爲基礎貨幣,我們已根據您的IBKR實體將其兌換成了美元或歐元。(該等信息可參見IBKR知識庫)。


B. 持有俄羅斯證券倉位的客戶

美國和其它國家政府專門針對某些發行證券的俄羅斯公司實施了制裁,意味著該等證券無法交易或轉帳。 此外,美國還禁止買入所有俄羅斯公司新發行的和已發行的債務性證券和權益性證券。 因此,俄羅斯證券的交易或被完全限制,或被部分限制。  

1.      哪些俄羅斯證券被限制?

某些受特定制裁的俄羅斯證券已于2022年5月25日被完全限制。 您當前無法就任何受制裁的俄羅斯證券進行交易或轉倉。 



1.     如果持有受制裁的俄羅斯證券,我還能訪問自己的賬戶嗎?

可以,您可以全權訪問您自己的IBKR賬戶。 但是,您將無法就任何受制裁的俄羅斯證券進行交易或轉倉。

2.     我可以把我持有的受制裁俄羅斯證券的倉位轉至其它經紀商嗎?

不可以。 所有受制裁俄羅斯證券的相關倉位均已被凍結。除非制裁解除或者您從OFAC取得特種許可證,否則您無法就該等證券進行交易或轉倉。

3.    受制裁的俄羅斯證券可以獲得股息嗎?


4.     受制裁俄羅斯證券的公司行動如何處理?



1.     還有哪些制裁適用于英國和加拿大客戶?

英國和 加拿大在美國和歐盟制裁的基礎上還針對某些俄羅斯發行人施加了額外制裁。 對于被英國和加拿大制裁的俄羅斯發行人,英國和加拿大人士(包括IB英國和IB加拿大的客戶以及英國或加拿大的公民/居民)被完全限制進行任何交易或轉倉。 該等證券爲當前或曾經在莫斯科證券交易所、維也納證券交易所、斯圖加特證券交易所和納斯達克證券交易所挂牌的證券。 最新的發行人列表請參見:哪些俄羅斯證券受到了限制?



1.      未受制裁的俄羅斯證券有什麽限制

美國的制裁禁止美國金融機構支持客戶買入任何俄羅斯公司的證券。 這意味著,您無法就俄羅斯證券(包括其衍生品)開立新倉位。 

2.      我必須要把持有的未受制裁俄羅斯證券倉位賣掉嗎?

不是。 對于未受制裁的俄羅斯證券,您可以自行决定是繼續持倉還是將其賣出。請注意,您能否平倉該等倉位可能會受到交易所或當地規則的限制。例如,俄羅斯中央銀行的當前限制就使得IBKR的客戶無法在莫斯科證券交易所進行任何交易(開倉或平倉)。

3.      賣出未受制裁俄羅斯證券有截止時間限制嗎?


4.      我可以繼續在二級市場上買入俄羅斯證券或主權債嗎?

不可以,禁止適用于任何俄羅斯實體發行的債務性和權益性證券,包括主權債。 您可以賣出或繼續持有您的俄羅斯證券或債券持倉,但無法再進行新的買入。 

5.      我可以把我的ADR和GDR轉換成未受制裁的俄羅斯證券嗎?


6.      我可以將我持有的未受制裁俄羅斯證券倉位轉倉嗎?


7.      未受制裁的俄羅斯證券可以獲得股息嗎?



8.      未受制裁的俄羅斯證券的公司行動如何處理?

我們注意到,許多未受制裁的俄羅斯證券的公司行動我們的托管銀行都未予以處理。 但對于托管銀行處理的公司行動,IBKR都會將公司行動轉給客戶賬戶。  


C. 俄羅斯美國存托憑證(ADR)/全球存托憑證(GDR)


1.      哪些俄羅斯ADR和GDR受到了制裁?



  • 19999 - IB Global受限
  • 10399 - IB-CAN受限
  • 10499 - IB-UK受限
  • 10599 - IB-UKL受限
  • 11299 - UK+個人受限
  • 19902 - IB-Global禁止開倉
  • 19905 - IB-Global禁止轉入轉帳

 2.      我可以轉帳我的俄羅斯ADR/GDR嗎?




  • 您在俄羅斯銀行持有“C”類證券賬戶可以接受當地市場的普通股。 注意:IBKR無法接收轉換後的普通股。
  • ADR/GDR或底層公司、受益所有者或接收普通股的機構均未受到制裁
  • 對應的保薦銀行帳簿接受取消。 請訪問保薦銀行網站瞭解帳簿的開放/關閉狀態,該狀態可能會經常變化。
  • 您可以證明截至2022年4月27日自己是登記日持有人,幷且在轉換過程中沒有發生所有權變更。  

 4.         如何針對符合條件的ADR/GDR發起轉換? 


  • 附上填寫完整(且已簽字)的證明和傳送表格(如Gazprom)或指令函(如Lukoil)。
  • 表格必須包含您用以接收普通股的證券賬戶號碼和接收銀行的30位代碼。沒有這一代碼將無法處理轉換。
  • 轉換會涉及以下費用。請在諮詢單中同意繳納該等費用,幷確保賬戶中有足够資金:
    • 每張DR0.05美元(向上取整到最近的整百DR的費用) – 保薦銀行取消費用(代收)
    • 17.50美元 – 電匯費用 – 保薦銀行收費(代收)
    • 500美元 – IBKR轉換費用


 D. 來自烏克蘭某些地區的客戶




  1. 爲什麽我的賬戶還會被限制?

您的賬戶有一個位于烏克蘭盧甘斯克或頓涅茨克地區的地址。 美國政府集中針對烏克蘭的這兩個地區實施制裁。 該等制裁有一個短暫的緩衝期,于2022年3月23日結束。作爲一家美國金融機構,須對上述兩個地區之客戶的交易進行限制。

  1. 我現在不生活在盧甘斯克人民共和國或頓涅茨克人民共和國。 我居住在其它地區。爲什麽我的賬戶還會被限制?

IBKR系根據賬戶記錄和手頭掌握的信息實施限制。 如您目前居住在盧甘斯克人民共和國和頓涅茨克人民共和國以外的地區,請更新您登記的地址幷提交相關文件證明您的地址(如水電賬單)。 我們會審核您提供的信息,再考慮是否移除限制。

  1. 有哪些限制?





  1. 我需要做什麽才能移除限制?

如果您已經搬離盧甘斯克人民共和國或頓涅茨克人民共和國,但尚未對賬戶信息進行相應的更新,請更新登記的地址幷提供相關地址證明文件以證明您已經不在盧甘斯克人民共和國或頓涅茨克人民共和國居住。 我們會對信息進行審核幷告知您是否可以移除限制。

或者,您也可以聯繫美國財政部海外資産控制辦公室(OFAC),在其網站上申請特種許可證。 (OFAC許可證申請頁面



2022年10月,由于俄羅斯在烏克蘭的持續軍事行動,歐盟宣布對俄羅斯進行進一步制裁。 其中包括對烏克蘭赫爾松和扎波羅熱地區的個人和實體實施限制,與2014年的克裏米亞制裁和2022年2月對盧甘斯克和頓涅茨克地區的制裁類似。由于新的歐盟制裁,盈透證券愛爾蘭(“IBIE”)和盈透證券中歐(“IBCE”)不能再與赫爾松和扎波羅熱地區的任何個人或實體保持業務往來。 


 E. 在受制裁銀行持有賬戶的客戶


1.      有哪些制裁?

根據制裁,客戶不得從受制裁的銀行發起存款,也不得取款到受制裁的銀行。 該等制裁有一定緩衝期,現已結束。

2.      哪些銀行受到了該等制裁的影響?

以下俄羅斯銀行及其分支機構或受到美國、英國和/或歐盟的制裁,或脫離SWIFT體系,或兩者兼有。 因此,IBKR無法支持涉及該等銀行的存款或取款。

  • Sberbank(脫離SWIFT體系)
  • Alfa Bank
  • VTB(脫離SWIFT體系)
  • Bank Rossiya(脫離SWIFT體系)
  • Otkritie(脫離SWIFT體系)
  • Novikombank(脫離SWIFT體系)
  • Promsvyazbank(脫離SWIFT體系)
  • Sovcombank(脫離SWIFT體系)
  • VEB(脫離SWIFT體系)
  • Transkapitalbank
  • Investtradebank
  • Rosselkhozbank(脫離SWIFT體系)
  • Moscow Credit Bank(脫離SWIFT體系)


  • GazPromBank
  • SMP Bank
  • Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development.


3.      如果我通過其中一家受制裁的銀行轉帳資金,我是否需要關閉我的IBKR賬戶?

上述針對銀行的制裁幷沒有要求您關閉您的IBKR賬戶。 IBKR只是無法處理涉及受制裁銀行的存款或取款。

4.      可以添加新的銀行指令嗎?

可以,您可隨時添加新的銀行指令(在未受制裁之銀行開立的賬戶)。請注意,IBKR一直對某些特定模式的存取款活動設有限制,該等限制仍然有效。 有關該等限制的更多信息,請點擊此處


F. 對俄羅斯或白俄羅斯國民、公民和/或居民造成影響的限制



1.      我是俄羅斯公民。我還可以在莫斯科證券交易所交易我持有的未受制裁俄羅斯股票嗎?

IBKR是一家外國經紀商,已被俄羅斯政府禁止在莫斯科證券交易所交易。 因此,您將無法通過您的IBKR賬戶在莫斯科證券交易所交易。


1.      我是俄羅斯(或白俄羅斯)國民或居民。爲什麽我不能在歐盟的交易所交易?


根據該等制裁,IBKR已對俄羅斯和白俄羅斯國民和居民,以及位于俄羅斯或白俄羅斯境內或由俄羅斯或白俄羅斯國民或居民所擁有的實體實施了限制, 禁止其就歐盟證券開立新倉位(多頭或空頭)。 


1.      我是俄羅斯居民。爲什麽我看不到NYSE和Nasdaq的市場數據?



中華通 – 禁止內地投資者參與北向交易



I. 哪些客戶被歸類爲內地投資者?

  (a) 持內地身份證的個人;或
  (b) 有一位持有人根據上方第(a)條被視爲內地投資者的聯名賬戶的持有人;或
  (c) 內地注册的法人或非法人實體。

II. 哪些情况可以不受上述歸類限制?


  (a) 持有以下證件的個人投資者:

       i. 香港或澳門永久性居民身份證;或
      ii. 香港和澳門單程證;或
     iii. 中國大陸以外國家或地區的永久居民身份文件。

  (b) 在香港或海外依法注册的分支機構或子公司。

III. 現有的持有券商客戶編碼(“BCAN”)的賬戶如何處理?

生效日期 通知
2022年7月25日至2023年7月23日 現有的屬￿內地投資者同時又持有BCAN的賬戶仍然可以買賣中華通證券。
2023年7月24日 現有的屬￿內地投資者的賬戶只可以賣出中華通證券。

IV. 參考



China Connect – Restriction on Mainland Investors from Northbound Trading


The Hong Kong Exchange (“HKEX”) issued a circular on the banning of Mainland investors from Northbound trading, effective on 25 July 2022. Clients who trade China Connect Securities through Interactive Brokers are required to comply with these requirements.

I. Which clients are classified as Mainland investors?

  (a) Individuals that possess Mainland ID documents; or
  (b) Holders of a joint account if one of the holders is considered as Mainland investor under (a); or
  (c) Corporate or unincorporated entities which are registered in the Mainland.

II. Which circumstances are exempt from the classification?

The following investors will NOT be considered as “Mainland Investors” and may continue to buy and sell China Connect Securities with Interactive Brokers.

  (a) Individual client who holds:

       i. A Hong Kong or Macao permanent ID; or
      ii. An One-way Permit for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macao; or
     iii. An identity document as proof of permanent residence in a country or region outside Mainland China.

  (b) A branch or subsidiary which is lawfully registered in Hong Kong or overseas.

III. How are Existing Accounts with BCANs Handled?

Effective Date Notice
From 25 July 2022 to 23 July 2023 Existing accounts who are Mainland investors with registered BCANs can still buy and sell China Connect Securities.
From 24 July 2023 Existing accounts who are Mainland investors can only sell any China Connect Securities.

IV. Reference

The above information is provided for convenience.  For more detailed information, please refer to HKEX’s circular on the banning of Mainland investors from Northbound trading:


FAQs for Ukraine/Russia Securities


These FAQs summarize key information related to the Ukraine/Russia sanctions. This page will be updated to reflect additional sanction-related restrictions or other developments. Last update: December 15, 2022. 

A.        Cashiering Restrictions - Rubles

B.        Customers Who Have Positions in Russian Securities

  • Sanctioned Russian Securities

  • Non-Sanctioned Russian Securities 

C.        Customers from Certain Regions in Ukraine

  • The Luhansk and Donetsk Regions

    • Account Restrictions

  • The Kherson and Zaporizhzhia Regions

D.        Customers Who Bank Through Sanctioned Banks

E.         Restrictions Affecting Russian or Belarusian Nationals, Citizens, and/or Residents

  • MOEX

  • EU Securities Restrictions 


A.   Cashiering Restrictions – Rubles

In line with many financial institutions, IBKR is reducing exposure to the Russian Ruble (“RUB”). 

 1.       What are the restrictions on cashiering in Rubles?

Deposits in RUB
IBKR is no longer accepting deposits of RUB.  Any deposit in RUB will be rejected.

IBKR will periodically convert RUB balances to USD or EUR, depending on the IBKR entity with which you have an account.  Please visit the IBKR Knowledge Base for the specifics regarding the currency conversion.

 Withdrawals in RUB
We are currently accepting RUB withdrawal requests.  However, we cannot guarantee that such requests will be processed by our cashiering bank.

 2.       What if the Base Currency of my account is RUB?

IBKR does not currently allow clients to maintain RUB as their base currency.  If you previously used RUB as your base currency, we converted it to USD or EUR depending on which IBKR entity carries your account. (This information can be found in the IBKR Knowledge Base.)


B.  Customers Who Have Positions in Russian Securities

The U.S. and other governments have specifically sanctioned certain Russian companies that issue securities, meaning these securities cannot be traded or transferred.  In addition, the U.S. has prohibited the purchase of new and existing debt and equity securities issued by all Russian companies.  As a result, trading in all Russian securities has been either fully or partially restricted.  

1.       What Russian securities have been restricted?

Certain Russian securities subject to specific sanctions were fully restricted on May 25, 2022.  You currently cannot trade or transfer your positions in any sanctioned Russian security. 

 As of June 6, 2022, you cannot open new positions (long or short) in non-sanctioned Russian securities. However, you may sell or hold your positions in non-sanctioned Russian securities.  

Sanctioned Russian Securities

1.     If I hold sanctioned Russian securities, can I access my account?

Yes, you will have full access to your IBKR account.  However, you will not be able to trade or transfer any positions in any sanctioned Russian security.

2.     Can I trade or transfer my positions in sanctioned Russian securities to another broker?

No.  Positions in sanctioned Russian securities are frozen. You are not able to trade or transfer these positions until the sanctions are lifted or you receive a specific license from OFAC.

3.     Can I receive Dividends on Sanctioned Russian Securities

 No.  IBKR is not allocated the dividend from the custodian and is prohibited from processing dividend payments on sanctioned securities.

4.     How will Corporate Actions be processed on sanctioned Russian Securities?

IBKR will not perform processing on sanctioned Russian securities including Corporate Actions that would change the value of your position in the security (including conversions of securities positions into cash, such as via mandatory tender offer or cash merger or new rights or positions).Stock splits and other corporate actions that do not change the economic value of your position may be processed.

UK and Canadian Sanctioned Securities:

1.     What additional sanctions apply to U.K. and Canadians Persons?

The U.K. and Canada imposed their own sanctions on certain Russian issuers, on top of those issued by the U.S. and EU.  U.K. and Canadian persons (including IBUK and IB Canada customers, and citizens/residents of the U.K. or Canada) may be fully restricted from trading or transferring positions in Russian issuers sanctioned by these jurisdictions.  These issuers are listed or were previously listed on the Moscow Stock Exchange, the Vienna Stock Exchange, the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, and the Nasdaq Stock Market.  For the most recent list of issuers, please see:  Which Russian securities have been specifically sanctioned?

For IBUK, Citizens of the U.K. (including U.K Territory), and Any Person Located in the U.K. or a U.K. Territory:

Non-Sanctioned Russian Securities

1.       What are the restrictions on non-sanctioned Russian securities?

The U.S. sanctions prohibit U.S. financial institutions from facilitating the purchase of securities of any Russian company.  This means that you cannot open new positions in Russian securities, including their derivatives. 

2.       Do I have to sell my positions in non-sanctioned Russian issuers?

No.  You may hold your existing positions in non-sanctioned Russian securities or sell your positions, as you choose. Please keep in mind that your ability to close positions may be limited by exchange or local rules. For example, current restrictions by the Central Bank of Russia prevent IBKR clients from making any trades (opening or closing) on the Moscow Stock Exchange.

3.       Is there a deadline for selling non-sanctioned Russian securities?

No, there is no wind-down period to divest. You may sell your positions in non-sanctioned Russian securities at any time so long as the market for that security is open to IBKR for trading. For instance, IBKR does not currently have access to the Moscow Stock Exchange.

4.       Can I continue to purchase Russian securities or sovereign debt in the secondary market?

No, the prohibitions apply to any debt or equity security issued by a Russian entity, including sovereign debt.  You can sell your Russian securities or debt positions or hold them, but you cannot make new purchases. 

5.       Can I convert my ADRs and GDRs in non-sanctioned Russian securities?

IBKR is not supporting conversions of your ADRs and GDRs into RUB-based securities that deliver to your IBKR account.  We may, on a best-efforts basis, facilitate conversions in which the underlying shares are delivered to a non-IBKR account.  We discuss ADRs and GDRs in more detail below.

6.       Can I transfer my position in non-sanctioned Russian securities?

Yes, you can transfer these positions to another brokerage account in your name, assuming the receiving broker will accept the positions.

7.       Can I receive dividends on non-sanctioned Russian securities?

Due to changes made by the Russian Central Bank, IBKR is not facilitating the payment of dividends on any Russian securities. Clients should contact the issuer to receive their dividends.


8.       How will corporate actions relating to my non-sanctioned Russian securities be processed?

At this time, we note that many corporate actions on non-sanctioned Russian securities do not appear to be getting processed by our Custodian Bank.  To the extent our Custodian Bank processes the corporate action, IBKR will apply the corporate action to client accounts.  


 C.   Customers from Certain Regions in Ukraine

The Luhansk and Donetsk Regions

In February 2022, the U.S., U.K., and EU issued a series of sanctions against Russia related to its actions in Ukraine. The sanctions include restrictions for persons and entities in the Luhansk and Donetsk provinces, similar to the 2014 Crimean sanctions.

Account Restrictions

  1. Why is my account restricted?

Your account lists an address that is located in the Luhansk or Donetsk region in Ukraine.  The U.S. government issued sanctions specifically focused on two regions of Ukraine, Luhansk and Donetsk.  These sanctions allowed a short wind-down period, which ended March 23, 2022.  IBKR, as a U.S. financial institution, is required to limit the transactions clients from those regions can conduct.

  1. I no longer live in the Luhansk People’s Republic (“LNR”) or Donetsk People’s Republic (“DNR”).  I live outside of those areas. Why is my account restricted?

IBKR has placed restrictions based on its account records and the information available to it.  If you currently live outside of the LNR or DNR, please update your address on file and submit a current document to verify your address (such as a utility bill).  We will review the information you provide and consider whether restrictions can be lifted.

  1. What are the restrictions?

For Individual/Joint Customers

As of March 23, 2022, clients with addresses in the LNR or DNR cannot make any trades, or transfer positions, unless the U.S. sanctions are lifted or authorization is granted by OFAC.   You cannot make deposits at this time but you may make a withdrawal to an account in your name for personal, non-commercial purposes.  We will require you to confirm this before the withdrawal.

For Org Customers

The sanctions do not allow organization or trust accounts to trade, transfer or withdraw funds now that the wind down period ended.  

  1. What do I have to do to remove the restrictions?

If you have moved from the LNR or DNR but did not update your account information, please update your address on file and provide a current proof of address document demonstrating that you do not reside in the LNR or DNR.  We will review the information and let you know whether the restrictions can be removed.

Alternatively, you can contact the US Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and apply for a specific license on OFAC’s website.  (OFAC License Application Page)

The Kherson and Zaporizhzhia Regions

For IBIE and IBCE Only:

In October 2022, the EU announced additional sanctions against Russia for its continued activity in Ukraine.  These sanctions include restrictions for persons and entities in the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine, similar to the 2014 Crimean sanctions and the restrictions imposed on the Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts in February 2022. As a result of the new EU sanctions, Interactive Brokers Ireland (“IBIE”) and Interactive Brokers Central Europe (“IBCE”) cannot do business with any person or entity located in the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia territories.  


 D.   Customers Who Bank Through Sanctioned Banks

 The U.S., U.K., and EU sanctioned a number of leading Russian banks, generally prohibiting transactions with these banks.

1.       What are the sanctions?

Under the sanctions, customers are not allowed to deposit from, or withdraw to, a sanctioned bank.  The sanctions included wind down periods that have ended.

2.       What banks are impacted by the sanctions?

The following Russian banks and their subsidiaries have been sanctioned by the U.S., U.K., and/or the EU, disconnected from the global banking network SWIFT, or both.  IBKR is therefore unable to accommodate deposits or withdrawals through these banks.

  • Sberbank (disconnected from SWIFT)
  • Alfa Bank
  • VTB (disconnected from SWIFT)
  • Bank Rossiya (disconnected from SWIFT)
  • Otkritie (disconnected from SWIFT)
  • Novikombank (disconnected from SWIFT)
  • Promsvyazbank (disconnected from SWIFT)
  • Sovcombank (disconnected from SWIFT)
  • VEB (disconnected from SWIFT)
  • Transkapitalbank
  • Investtradebank
  • Rosselkhozbank (disconnected from SWIFT)
  • Moscow Credit Bank (disconnected from SWIFT)

The following banks are also subject to U.K. sanctions, which apply to all clients of Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Ltd. (IBUK):

  • GazPromBank
  • SMP Bank
  • Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

IBUK customers cannot currently deposit from, or withdraw to, any of these sanctioned banks.

3.       Do I have to close my IBKR account if I bank through one of the sanctioned banks?

These sanctions on banks do not require you to close your IBKR account.  IBKR just can’t process deposits or withdrawals involving a sanctioned bank.

4.       Can I add different banking instructions?

Yes, you are welcome to add new banking instructions for an account at a non-sanctioned bank. Please note that IBKR has long maintained restrictions on certain patterns of deposit and withdrawal activity, which will remain in effect.  For more information on these restrictions, click here.


E.   Restrictions Affecting Russian or Belarusian Nationals, Citizens, and/or Residents

Certain sanctions only impact Russian or Belarusian nationals, citizens, and/or residents. 


1.       I am a Russian citizen. Will I be able to trade my non-sanctioned Russian stocks on MOEX?

IBKR is a foreign broker and is restricted by the Russian government from trading on the Moscow Stock Exchange (MOEX).  Therefore, you will not be able to trade on MOEX through your IBKR account.

 EU Securities Restrictions

1.       I am a Russian (or Belarusian) national or resident. Why can’t I trade on EU exchanges?

The EU imposed sanctions prohibiting the sale or transfer of euro-denominated securities issued after April 12, 2022 (including proceeds of corporate actions) to Russian or Belarusian nationals (defined as all citizens of these countries who do not live in the EU) or people or entities located in Russia or Belarus. 

In order to comply with these sanctions, IBKR has restricted Russian and Belarusian nationals or residents, and entities located in Russia or Belarus or owned by Russian or Belarusian nationals or residents, from opening new positions or increasing existing positions (long or short) in any financial instrument in European exchanges, as well as any financial instrument denominated in an EU currency, traded on any exchange.


Market Data Restrictions

1.       I am a resident of Russia. Why can’t I see market data for NYSE and Nasdaq?

Due to Russia’s continued involvement in Ukraine, NYSE and Nasdaq have suspended the provision of market data services to individuals and entities located in Russia. IBKR does not know when NYSE and Nasdaq will resume these services.  






更多信息,請參考香港證監會 網站






1-      香港身份證(香港居民須提供)
2-      國民身份證明文件(包含客戶的中/英文姓名)
3-      護照
1-      法律實體識別編碼
2-      公司註册/成立證明







  • 香港股票
  • 香港股票賣空
  • 香港股票期權
  • 香港債券
  • 香港認股權證


  • 爲對香港投資者識別碼制度進行準備,所有在盈透證券香港有限公司持有賬戶並開通了上方任一交易許可的個人,如果想在新規定下繼續保留其交易許可,則將需要在客戶端中進行確認。
  • 未能在2023年3月9日前完成確認的客戶,其受影響的交易許可將被移除,以免其身份信息在違背其意願的情况下被共享。如交易許可被移除,客戶可隨時在客戶端中通過設置 > 賬戶設置 > 交易許可 菜單選項申請重新添加許可。
  • 申請移除交易許可的客戶如還持有未平倉的空頭股票倉位,或會産生空頭股票倉位的股票期權,將需要在通知的截止時間前平倉,以避免該等倉位被按現行市價代其平倉。多頭倉位可繼續持有或平倉,平倉時無需向聯交所提交客戶識別信息。
  • 香港客戶協議與披露均已更新,納入了香港投資者識別碼制度的相關要求:




Hong Kong Investor Identification Regime


To enhance market surveillance capabilities and maintain market integrity, the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) has introduced the Hong Kong Investor Identification Regime (“HKIDR”).

Once implemented, all securities trades placed on, or off-exchange trades obligated to be reported to, the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("SEHK") must be tagged with a client identifier and the corresponding identification details must be provided to the SEHK.

For further information, refer to the SFC website.

Compliance requirements:

To comply with the HKIDR obligations, all relevant SFC licensed corporations and registered institutions (“RRI”) are required to assign a Broker-Client-Assigned-Number (“BCAN”) to each client of theirs with capabilities to trade securities on the SEHK.

From the 20th of March 2023, RRIs are required to provide the SEHK with the clients’ identification data (“CID”) and the corresponding BCAN. All SEHK securities orders will be tagged with the BCAN number to enable the SEHK & SFC to identify the end beneficiary.

What client identification data (“CID”) is provided to SEHK?

Under HKIDR, the following identification data must be provided to the SEHK for any clients with SEHK trading permissions in place.

Individual Clients & Trustees
Corporate Clients & Trustees
Full legal name as shown on the identification document
Full legal name as shown on the identification document
Identity document’s issuing country or jurisdiction
Identity document’s issuing country or jurisdiction
Identity document type (in order of priority):
1-      HKID Card (required for HK residents)
2-      National identification document (containing the clients name in English &/ Chinese)
3-      Passport
Identity document type (in order of priority):
1-      Legal Entity Identifier Registration document
2-      Certificate of Incorporation / Formation
Identity document number on the identity document
Identity document number on the identity document


How can clients opt out from their CID being provided to SEHK?

Clients can opt out of sharing their CID under the HKIDR by requesting the removal of their relevant trading permissions. Once removed, existing positions can continue to be held or closed without the clients BCAN being tagged to the orders or CID being shared with the exchange.

However, before trading permission can be removed, clients must close any short positions or stock options that could result in a short stock position as buying in the positions requires a BCAN & CID submission.

Which trading permissions are impacted?

The new regime concerns all securities listed or traded on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (“SEHK”) and affects the following trading permissions:

  • Hong Kong Stocks
  • Hong Kong Stock Short Selling
  • Hong Kong Stock Options
  • Hong Kong Bonds
  • Hong Kong Warrants

How will existing Interactive Brokers Clients be impacted?

  • In preparation for HKIDR, all individuals with an Interactive Brokers Hong Kong Ltd account, and any of the above trading permissions in place, will be requested to confirm in Client Portal if they wish to retain their trading permissions under the new requirements.
  • Clients that fail to provide a confirmation by 9th of March 2023 will have their impacted trading permissions removed to prevent their identification details being shared unwillingly. If trading permissions are removed, clients can request the permissions be added back at any time via the Settings > Account Settings > Trading Permissions menu item in the Client Portal.
  • Clients requesting to remove their impacted trading permissions that are holding an open short stock position, or stock option position that could lead to a short stock position, will need to close the positions by the cutoff date communicated to avoid them being closed on their behalf at the prevailing market price. Long positions can continue to be held or close without CID being shared with SEHK.
  • The HK Client Agreements and Disclosures has been updated to accommodate the HKIDR requirements:


The above information is provided for convenience. IBKR does not guarantee the information for either accuracy or completeness. There may be subsequent changes to the HKIDR and clients should refer directly to the SFC website for more information: